Zion's Suspicion

Eternal Night Secret Realm

A few miles outside the Bone Sea's north outer rim, the Battle God Palace's people gathered on a rocky mountain. 

Young Master Zion stood near the mountain cliff's edge and stared at the Bone Sea in the distance, observing its situation.

However, 12 out of the 20 Extremity-rank Battle Masters that accompanied Young Master Zion were present.


Another Extremity-rank Battle Master suddenly flew up and landed on the mountain cliff, bringing an updraft of wind with him before he knelt in front of Young Master Zion.

"As per your instructions, I have conquered an Arch Demon-level Tomb before returning, Young Master Zion. Please use these items to aid your cultivation, Young Master."

The Extremity-rank Battle Master presented the Arch Demon-level inheritance, containing one Arch Demon-level demon core and multiple Tier-6 pieces of equipment.