Never Take Back What Has Been Given

"We'll see," Nyfarella replied coolly.

In her mind, she was already simulating how their fight would play out and what she would need to do to kill the Evil Eye Lesser Demon with the highest level of satisfaction for the days of oppression suffered under the demon's supervision.

Nevertheless, before neither side could initiate the fight, Leon's voice trickled into her ears.

"Nyfarella, was it? What kind of weapon do you use?" he asked.

"Um?" Nyfarella was taken aback by the abrupt question, but she quickly recovered and answered, "I use a sword, my Lord."

"A sword, huh? Fortunately, it's quite the common weapon," Leon nodded with acknowledgment before pulling out a Tier-6 Blue Sword and tossing it over. "Take it; it's yours."

Nyfarella caught the Tier-6 Blue Sword clumsily in a panic before her expression turned into a pleasant surprise.