Blind Speculation

Without a surprise, the Purple Coatl Dragon Clan lived up to its name as a sub-race of dragons that possesses powerful strength and physiques.

Each Purple Coatl Dragon Clan member was fully capable of fighting other beings above their level.

The High-rank Greater Demon-level Purple Coatl Dragon had no problem competing with Peak-rank Greater Demon-level beings.

Alas, it met Leon.

He was someone who could put up a fight with Low-rank Arch Demons.

Leon hunted down the Purple Coatl Dragons one by one while preserving their bodies as best he could before tossing them in his Worldspace and infuriating Lord Nidra even further in the process.

Peng! Peng!

Their bodies clashed like the clangs of metals as Lord Nidra exchanged blows with Leon while pursuing him like a mad dog.

Before Lord Nidra realized it, he was already the last surviving dragon in his group.

"Remember, you asked for this," Leon calmly stated.