Sea Monster Core's Energy

"This is… teleportation? When did you master Spatial Law? No, this wasn't your doing," Duna muttered with surprise and wonder. 

"It's the realm spirit's ability. Though, I did feed it 10-thousand wisps of True Grandmist Energy to restore this ability," Leon explained before his gaze sharpened in the next instant.

"More importantly, we have company."

Their sudden appearance in the new sea region quickly attracted the nearby Low-rank Arch Demon-level sea monsters.


Leon and Duna could sense the large movements of water in the dark depths of the Bone Sea, which provided zero visibility to the eye. 

However, neither of them had any trouble seeing the Low-rank Arch Demon-level sea monsters in their surroundings. 

Duna could see the shape of their souls overlapping with their enormous bodies.