The One-Sided Slaughter

When the demons heard the High-rank Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrm's cold and merciless order, they all felt a chill in their hearts and immediately knew that they had all f*cked up.

The High-rank Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrm was completely serious.



Durago, the Low-rank Arch Demon-level Purple Coatl Dragon, made the slightest movement to escape before his entire body was swat flying into the sky in the next moment!

None of the Low-rank Arch Demons could even see the High-rank Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrm's movement.

There was an explosion of wind and sound in one moment, and Lord Durago disappeared from their sight in the next moment!

The sheer wind pressure even pushed all of them back, sweeping them far away with the seawater like one big tidal wave!


"Is... Is this the strength of a High-rank Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrm?! It's so terrifying…!"