The Wild Ride

Leon switched positions with Faelyn, placing her on top of him as he lay on the broken white bed. 

"Y-you want me to lead? I don't know how…" Faelyn stuttered with a bright red face, and her heart thumped wildly, beating drums.

"Don't worry. I will guide you. But before, we should set the mood."

"Set… the mood…? Ah—!"

Faelyn suddenly had her arm softly yanked by Leon as he drew her closer and sealed her soft lips with his own.


The sudden movements made Faelyn struggle at first. But after half a breath, her resistance weakened as she matched Leon's rhythm, allowing their tongues to intertwine playfully. 

At the same time, Leon's hands moved to undo Faelyn's green dress and remove her equipment, piece by piece. 

Soon, Leon's hands started to roam her wondrous, smooth, and fair maiden body, causing Faelyn to quiver with growing goosebumps. Her heart pounded nervously, yet she also anticipated his following touches.