Discovery in the Depths of the Abyss

Although Dawnchaser, Goldenstride, and Goldblazer hadn't expected it, they didn't find it surprising either. They had been Peak Paragons for so long.

With only one step away from the Divine Beast Realm, it was only a matter of time.

"Thank you, my Lord. If not for you, we may have never been able to reach the Divine Beast Realm in our lifetime," Dawnchaser said sincerely.

Even after becoming Divine Beasts and surpassing Leon's present strength, Dawnchaser, Goldenstride, and Goldblazer remained subservient to him.

They weren't ungrateful, nor were they stupid.

Nevertheless, Leon didn't quite agree with Dawnchaser's words as he said, "Perhaps, but that is only if you stay within the western jungle your whole life."

"You were all Peak Paragons with just a single step away from reaching the Divine Beast Realm. Even if you hadn't met me, some of you might have ascended eventually—if any of you had gone out to look for opportunities."