News from the Scout

Inside the Golden Suanni Tribe's main tent, the main seat, which originally belonged to Sur-Khan, was offered to Leon. 

After Leon took his seat, everyone else took their seat around the low-standing table without the exception of one person standing, Sur-Khan. 

A detailed three-dimensional map of the Infertile Plains and parts of the western jungle and northern Iceland could be found on top of the table. 

Leon studied the map, but he couldn't grasp any useful information from it besides the western alliance's strategic plans for the Northern Region.

"What's the current situation in the Infertile Plains?" Leon inquired. 

"According to what we know, the Howling Falcon Tribe has received the backing of some foreign forces from the far north. We've been having a lot of difficulties conquering the northern tribes due to them. Furthermore, we don't know whether these foreign forces have also backed the other northern tribes," Sur-Khan reported.