Food Shortage Easily Resolved

"That… a single Desolate Ox from Blackrock Region can feed many mouths, my Lord," Chief Ironshield explained.

"On average, a normal Lesser Demon-level Desolate Ox from the Blackrock Region can feed around five thousand mouths for three days. A Greater Demon-level Desolate Ox feed around seven thousand and five hundred mouths for the same period."

"As such, we only need to hunt ten Lesser Demon-level Desolate Oxen from the Blackrock Region to feed the whole tribe for three days. If we were to stretch out those three meals, we could even last a whole month."

"However, our warriors would suffer muscle loss and weakened if we do that," Chief Ironshield stated.

"I see," Leon rubbed his chin thoughtfully before wondering, "What about an Arch Demon-level Desolate Ox? How many mouths can that feed?"