The Bicker Between Chiefs

Before Leon could open his mouth to accept Chief Blackbeard and his people's allegiance, Chief Silvertooth and his people came rushing over after discovering another group of warriors was one step ahead of them.

"Your Excellency, I, Chief Silvertooth of the Mighty Whitewolf Tribe, and my people would also like to submit to you! Please accept our allegiance too!"

"Chief Silvertooth, huh? I see you also had the same thoughts as I. Unfortunately, you came late. Hmph, you better wait in line for your turn. We were first!" Chief Blackbear snorted after Chief Silvertooth interrupted at the crucial moment when the supreme being was about to accept them.

"Mim-mim-mim-mim-mim-meh. What are you, a child? Who cares if you came first or not. It's not up to you to decide the order. The supreme being will decide whether to accept us or not," Chief Silvertooth responded cynically yet immaturely.