Traveling to Another World

Genos panicked when he saw that he only have 7 seconds to prepare and was cursing the system behind BlueChat for not giving him a long time to prepare. As he has very little time to prepare, the only thing that he can get was his phone, and a kitchen knife after rushing to the kitchen.

"Oh well," Genos said as he glowed and then disappeared from the kitchen. The time then stopped and everything stopped moving.


At a certain region in the Deepfog Forest, there were more than 10 demons surrounding a knight, this knight was none other than Diana. She was surrounded because she came to save some of the knights under her but she ended up the one getting surrounded.

But she was still happy that the knights were able to run to safety.

"kekeke" the demons started laughing as they look at Diana. They were holding their weapons and were pointing it at Diana. Diana held her sword tightly as she looked around her looking for a gap to escape.

But because there are a lot of demons, she can't find any as the demons are surrounding her not leaving any gap for escape. She will have to make a gap for herself to escape but that would need her to kill them.

It would not have been a problem if she was at her peak condition but right now, she is really exhausted that she is barely standing. Fighting for over several days without rest had finally taken a toll to her body.

Without any potion to recover her energy, she can only hope for a miracle to happen cause if not, then this would be the end for the 'Strongest Knight' in the Mirilith Empire.

Just as she was about to run and attacked them, she heard a call from behind her.

"Do you need help?" when she heard this, she personally thought that the person who asked her was very stupid. Turning around, no voice came out of her mouth as she saw the person who called out for her.

The person was a young man whom she didn't know how old was but based on his face, he seems to be no older than 20. He was wearing a scaly armor just like that of a dragon, he was also holding a long sword with an intricately designed handle.

His appearance was like a dashing prince charming coming to rescue a lady in distress. The timing was perfect only that he was not reading the mood.

"Hey! Are deaf? Can you hear me? Do you need help?" the young man asked once again and this time, Diana finally regain her senses and said yes.

The young man then started killing the demons surrounding her with his sword, every strike of his was executed to end his enemies life in one hit. He was like the God of Death killing the demons in mere seconds.

Diana was now very curious about this man as she never heard of him before and with his skills, he could have become the 'Strongest Knight' instead of her.

"Thank you for saving me." Diana thanked the young man with a bow.

The young man then looked at Diana, inspecting her body from up and down. Diana was not happy with his gaze and even started to think that he must have other motives for helping her.

"Ah! Sorry for looking at you like that but by any chance, are you Diana?" the young apologizes as he asked her.

"Yes." Diana nodded as this was not the first time someone recognized her as she was very famous. She's not bragging as she really was, so famous that her influence has even reached the other neighboring empires.

"I'm here to help you, Diana. My name's Genos Ryun by the way." the young man introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you too, Genos. May I ask where you're from?" Diana asked.

"I'm from Yan City," Genos said.

Diana thought for a moment and she can't remember any Yan City from her memories. Although she was quite lazy, she had still learned about the many cities in the Eriwald Continent as a part of her training in becoming a knight.

"Excuse me for my ignorance but I haven't heard of Yan City before," Diana said.

"That's because it's on Earth," Genos said as if it was that normal. Even himself had no idea why he was acting this way, it was like anything was normal for him. He was not even disturbed by the fact that he had just killed demons.

"Earth? Where's that?"

"From another world."

"WHAT?!" Diana asked loudly while she was shocked.

"Oh, you didn't know? Even though I'm a male, I'm the Admin of Fantasy Chat Group." Genos said to her.


After disappearing from the kitchen, Genos found himself in the forest and it was broad daylight. He was not even sleepy like he had just woken up from his sleep. When he looked at his hand he was surprised that he was wearing a gauntlet.

"What is this?" he then realized that he was wearing an armor that was cool and flashy, and there was a sword sheathed on his waist. If others were to look at him, then they would think that he is a famous hero with his outfit.

He was wearing an armor that was made from dragon's scales and it was also designed to look like the skin of a dragon. His sword was also special as it was very cool looking while at the same time, not heavy.

Staring at his gauntlets and then thinking about its information, a notification appeared in his mind and he saw that it was information about the gauntlet or the whole armor to be exact.

[Light Dragon Sacred Armor]

[Description: Made from the scales of the Light Dragon and was crafted by a Sacred Blacksmith. One of the strongest armor in Edelis.]

[Effect 1: Light Protection]

[Effect 2: Light Empowerment]

[Effect 3: Weight Reduction]

[Effect 4: Fire Resistance]

[Effect 5: Protection]

[Effect 6: Strength Enhancement]

[Effect 7: Speed Enhancement]

[Effect 8: Stamina Enhancement]

[Effect 9: Small Recovery]

[Effect 10: Energy Gathering]

He was so shocked that there were a lot of effects and he did not even check the sword as he thinks that his heart will not be able to take any more surprises. Just finding out about the armor is not enough for him.

"Though I had no idea if the effects are good or not," Genos said. He was not from this world so he is not sure if these effects are good. What is the use of all of it if it is not helpful for him, luckily for him it seems like he will be able to use it as he saw from a distance that there was a pretty girl surrounded by a bunch of ugly looking monsters.

With a kick on the ground, he began running very fast and he as surprised yet again to find out that he was very fast. Genos thinks that it must be because of the armor's effects so he was happy because it seems to be useful.

When he arrived near them, he shouted at the girl but seems like she didn't hear him so he shouted yet again. Only after hearing her say yes then he started attacking the monsters.

He first strikes at the nearest one, holding the sword tightly on his hands, he swings it towards the monsters neck and was surprised that it died so easily. His body then started moving on its own as he was on a killing spree.

After a few seconds, the monsters are now all on the ground, dead. Genos could not even believe it himself just how strong he was, not to mention that it seems like he knew how to use a sword.

The girl then thanked him than he remembered that he was here to help Diana and from what he heard from Chymbee and Liza, Diana was a knight. He then looked at the girl up and down even though he was labeled as a pervert, he asked the girl if she was Diana and it turns to be really her.

She was beautiful and Genos thinks that her beauty is on par with Olivia, but both of them have different charms. Olivia was the kind type while Diana was the easy type. Not the kind of easy that would be a loose girl but an easy one to talk to.

Diana was easy to approach, to talk, and was even easy to be friends with. That is what kind of easy Diana is.