Strongfield City

After explaining to Diana the things about why he was here, and showing her the proof he really is the admin, they finally decided to rest for a bit so that Diana could recover some of her energy.

While Genos started to experiment with the sword and the armor that he received from the system. Which seems to be the help the system was referring to and the reason why this was only a tutorial.

The sword that he has is named 'Light Dragon Sword' which was very effective against demons as it has the light elemental effect upon hitting. There are also ten effects that make the sword really OP and Genos won't even need to have any strength to fight the demons as long as he has this sword and armor.

Though he didn't tell Diana about it as he thought that it was alright to act strong sometimes as he is also strong without the sword the armor, even if his strength is just enough to barely defeat one demon.

That is still a great achievement considering that he hadn't received any sort of training from the beginning and it was his first time-fighting monsters.

Diana was sitting while she leans on a tree and Genos was on another tree executing some sword moves he saw from movies. He has a good memory so it was not hard for him to remember those moves and with his ((Fight Mastery)) it was not that hard for him to learn them.

*swish *swish *swish *swish

Genos executed the sword skill from SAO as it was easy to use, he also executed some other skills from SAO like , , , , , , , , , , and .

He could have continued practicing but Diana said that they should get moving before it gets dark because demons are more active in the dark and they are stronger too. Even though Genos is confident that he would be okay but he is not sure if he will be able to protect Diana.

"How far are we from the city?" Genos asked Diana as he walks beside her.

Diana thought for a moment before she answered, "I am not sure how far are we right now but it took me around three hours to get here when I was running full speed."

Genos' lips twitched a little as he knew that Diana is just lazy to calculate the distance as that is what she is based on what he had observed so far. Chymbee and Liza also said that Diana was lazy so it's no wonder she would be like this.

Though it was not obvious in the beginning that she was lazy as she seems to be a serious person that is devoted as a knight.

"Why are you here by the way?" Genos asked. It was also strange for him to see someone come here alone.

"I was rescuing some knights under me but I was surrounded by demons and I was exhausted by that time," Diana answered Genos.

"Ahhh...So that's why." Genos said. If that is what happened then it's not strange for her to be surrounded by demons.

Diana looked at Genos beside her and she was really curious as to why was he very strong. Though she was lazy, she would not forget to train from time to time to increase her strength furthermore but she is cannot be even compared to Genos.

And they are at the same age yet he was far stronger than her. If only she knew that it was all because of the armor and the sword then she would have not even talk to him.

"By the way Diana, why are the demons attacking the city?" Genos asked.

"We also have no idea why." Diana shook her head. She was also confused as to why the demons are attacking the city when they stayed dormant for the last hundred years not even attacking a single time.

"What we know is that more and more demons are attacking every day and stronger demons are also starting to attack. If this goes on, then Strongfield City will be destroyed." Diana said. Her hand was curled into a fist tightly.

She was born in Strongfield City and her family also lived in the city. She had a lot of friends in the city and she also knows a lot of good people. That is why she was defending the city for the last few days now without even resting.

She was the only one strong enough to deal with the stronger demons, while only some of her close friends are strong enough to deal with some low-level demons.

They then soon arrived at Strongfield City. Walking near the gates they were greeted by the knights under Diana.

"Lady Diana you're safe!" one of the knights rushed towards her. It was one of her close friends Emery and was also a strong knight.

"How many times have I told you Emery to just call me Diana," Diana said with a smile.

"That won't do. You are my superior so I have to show some respect." Emery said. There was a teasing smile on her face.

"Come on, we all know that you're just teasing me," Diana said as she flicked her finger into Emery's forehead.

"Ow! Alright, alright! Geez, that hurts!" Emery caressed her forehead then noticed Genos beside Diana. She then smirked and asked, "Wow! Diana, you finally brought back a man, are you marrying now?"

Diana's faced turn red after hearing Emery say that, while Genos awkwardly smiled as he stretched out his hand.

"Nice to meet you miss Emery. My name's Genos Ryun." Emery shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you too Genos. As you already know my name's Emery, Emery Chaeria. You can just call me Emery and I'll just call you Genos okay?"

"Yes, Emery." Genos smiled.

Emery seeing his smile can't help but admit that he really was handsome, she then nudges Diana with her elbow and whispered, "You really caught a big one, Diana. He is really handsome, more so than that so-called Crown Prince."

"What are you even talking about?! We don't have any relationship and would you stop talking about that useless prince." Diana whispered angrily towards Emery.

Emery smiled widely at Diana and then said: "Then you wouldn't mind if I take him then?"

"Don't!" Diana yelled softly at Emery. "I mean, you can do anything with him after we stopped the demons' attacks."

Diana knew that Genos would be returning back to Earth after finishing the quest so it will not be a problem that Emery will be spending time with him as he won't be here anymore. Without realizing it, Diana was already monopolizing Genos even though they have just met.

"That's great then!" Emery said happily as she was truly interested at Genos, even more after hearing that he was the one that rescued Diana which only means that he is strong.

While Genos at the side felt like he was just abandoned as the two of them started talking to each other. He had no idea what to do aside from following the two of them, passing through the large gate, he welcomed himself.

"Welcome to Strongfield City Genos."