Chapter 3 I just took a bite of Pineapple(Pt. 2)

Everything was alright now or so I thought. I was walking up the steps with my mother to our house.

"Tell me, Sthet where did you get the money for my operation?"

I didn't want to lie to her beautiful face. Those wrinkles and ageing marks could really not hide her motherly smile. And her hairfall problem still persisted but her and mine hairs were matching, both were black. Yay!

"I was given an offer for the same amount as a part time job, a few days before you got injured."

I had to atleast lie a little.

"A part time job?"

"Yes, mother it is about hac…. Internet and stuff!"

"Well, I don't get internet so I am not gonna get that job of yours too.

But tell me, is it safe?"

"Yeah mother. You worry too much. It is an organisation."

I shut the door of our house after we entered. I had a leave from school for one more day. What should I do about that? I had no intention of going school tomorrow so I took out my phone to tell Josh about that. I looked at my phone. The screen showed two hundred and fifty nine notifications from the chat group.

"Why is this chat group connected to Tchrome in the world?"

I checked the messages and all the messages were according to my expectations. But in two sections of the chat group, something unusual was going on. In RANDOM NOT NORMAL STUFF AND 6382719100000(Yeah that was the name of the fifth section, literally.)

Messages in RANDOM NOT NORMAL STUFF read:-

"$$#‰%^ &@*!^~₹|$¢€^||¥£{{ ***}}}}}}-^^:::::↓"

"^^!@$$ ^?¿¡^π∆¶^√¥€£[[[]]©^^091"

What the f**k is this? There were more messages like those and they had a share of thirty six messages only in that notification only.

The messages in the 6382719100000 read:-


More messages like these.

"Encryption, huh? Are they fools? Good hackers can decrypt this like nothing."

Is what I said to myself but now it was three in the morning and I still couldn't figure out through any of my protocols. It only meant one thing. Washing the dishes and, and, and (laughs) ironing my school uniform in case mother forces me to go.

I was ironing my clothes when I heard it, BEEP. The smell of hot iron and the sense of something burning was in my room but that beep could only be there due to a single reason my protocol system had decrypted the messages. I switched off the iron and took a look at the phone.

The screen showed one possibility. I had designed this protocol in such a way that if decryption and matching percentage was more than fifty percent it would qualify as a possibility and if it would be more than eighty percent then it would come in Near match.

I checked the match:-

'U want to eat pandas, cmon that's meannie.'

Upon seeing the first line I shut down the protocol system even if inside that there were multiple decrypting layers to be done. I did that because I just thought about a godly idea.

Accessing a backdoor.




And it was then that I had committed my first biggest mistake. A mistake that would haunt me for years. A mistake that would force me to believe in null existence rather than believing in accepting challenges of life.

I hadn't realized maybe because of the fact that I use Dark web a lot. The guy directly added me to the chat group not on Tchrome but on Dark Web. Upon realizing that I ran towards my drawer and took out a peculiar pen drive from my drawer which would look like a normal pen drive to anyone but was a portable VPN. I quickly connected it to my phone and enabled it.

I phoned josh.

"Hi, Josh. Sorry for disturbing you in the middle of night but could you please send me the work done on happymessenger."

"Yeah, sure", Josh was totally sleepy. He actually took fifteen seconds to say those words.

"You know that right that our winter holidays have been preponed."

"What, really?", I burst out with happiness. I was indeed still a child.

"From when?"

"From tomorrow."

"That's fabulous news. Josh. Happy winter holidays to you Josh."

"To you too, you know what I will talk tomorrow I am insanely sleepy right now."

"Sure, bye."


I closed my room's door and shut the lights. Pulled over my hoodie and got ready…to hack into the chat group's back door.

(Let me explain this what if you want to send your bank details through messenger for example to someone then as you might have guessed any hacker can interrupt while your message gets sent and get those details so what to do,

Embedding an encrypting software with the original site or app or opening the encrypting software via messenger or vice-versa.

What this does that it creates a two keys where the lock is encryption and one key is encrypting key and the other is decrypting key. The decrypting key is always with the person on the receiving end if he also has the software.

The sender locks the message with encryption through his encrypting key and since any hacker would not have the decrypting key so he will not be able to get the details. Thus only the receiver gets the details.

In multi-persons, authorised and registered users have the keys.

So what is a back door[atleast in this world]?

Back door is a state where you observe data as third party which holds highest unauthorised power digitally. Back door is a state where the accesser can see the messages without the key because it allows a hacker to see the messages before encryption while they are getting typed and after the decryption that is a back door allows a hacker to observe any particular user as if he was the user.

By the way that's what I did at my part time job. What's more advantageous for me is that accessing back doors is actually one of my specialities.)

In forty minutes, I had accessed the back door. I immediately activated NDA3.5.1 protocol(Null Detection Absolute 3.5.1).

Have you ever eaten a pineapple. Whenever one eats them at first they taste sweet with some saltiness but as you start to eat more, saltiness and bitterness increases and a stingy feeling develops. That's what happened. That's what was supposed to happen because the first message of this section decrypted said:-




