HE ORDERED HIS GUARDS TO SHOW ME SOME DOCUMENTS .. I laid my eyes on those documents and l was very stunned to see the signature of my father on the documents which clearly stated that l am supposed to work for Mr. jeon jungkook and l could not read more of the documents as tears were forming in my eyes and some left on the document making it wet ..


"What a poor soul " she is . But she looks too innocent to be killed maybe l could use her another way . l could see her sobbing hard which was making me annoyed more !!

Me : hey !!!! have you done ? should we get on business now ?!

y/n ( your name ) : ( ..sobbing ) H..how long do l have to be like this?!

Me :( whispering on her ear ) Be good to your master and obey him baby girl ! or be raedy to take punishments !

She flinched a little and staring me like begging for her freedom . But why is she so innocent ?! . "Hey ! get up and do as l say " l shouted on her . l could see her trying to get up but she could not and l guess what was the problem till l remember that she had not eaten for three days . l ordered my guards and maids to bring her something and left the room ...


My whole world was upside down and l could not focus on what was going around . l was a total mess and screwed up at the moment . Then l felt the door closing .."thamp"!!! . l came to my senses and saw that he left me and l was at little comfort that he was not near me now . Then , l saw an aged woman coming towards at my direction and hitting the bright lights .. . The room was now lit with some lights giving me the comfort that it was no longer darkness in the room . But then , l remembered my pain again and tears started to float from my eyes .

" Miss ! you should eat something ! " said the maid . l leaned towards her to make her open the chains that l was sruggling with . She looked too comfort and at ease but no longer when l asked her " did you like in here ?!" . She looked at me and just nodded . l guess why she was not answering me maybe she is afraid of him . She opened my chains and l got free from the captivity . l could see that there was some marks on my hands due to chains. l was so clearly not aware of my existence .

Maid : Miss eat it before Mr. jungkook gets angry !!

Y/n : l will eat it later please !!! and please don't call me miss . my name is y/n !!

Maid : l am suggesting you to eat it because he ordered you to !!! . And l don't want him to get angry on you as l see from what you have suffer .

Y/n : did he done the same to you ?? He killed your friends mercilessly , you have no one and you are alone here ?! He is so merciless and So aggressive .. ( sobbing )

Maid : No l am a just a loyal worker of jeon family ! I am serving for him for almost ten years .

Y/n : you must be stucked here !!

Maid : aigoo !!!! you should eat first . l can see your bones peeping from your body . please y/n eat first !!

After this conversation , she left the room and l saw some of the food stuff . l was hungry as l have not eaten for three days !!But still l was not able to eat . Each bite was hard to gulp down .The faces of my friends were coming before my eyes and l was trying to control myself from shedding tears . I only ate one of the sandwich and put on some clothes which was given by the maid . I was startled as l heard a man coming in that room . It was one of the guards and told me to come with him . l moved from my bed which l was sitting on and started to follow him right to downstairs . l was freaked out that there was almost an armed army ready beside a car and all were armed with guns . l was feeling that l am a prisoner who have done a very offended crime . However , l followed the man to the car and l saw ...