I saw the car and the man ordered me to sit . He pushed me inside the car and closed the door. l saw a dark figure seating beside me and it was jungkook . I was in utter confusion that what the hell is going with me , where they are taking me ?!. Jungkook was staring at me with the emotionless face and his eyes were furious as always . l was scared to ask where we are going but the fear was stopping me . But however l gathered my courage and asked..

y/n : w-where are w-we going ??!

I asked in a low voice but he did not replied . He looked at me and then asked the driver to stop . My heart was pounding and l was breathing heavily . He was sitting next to me and came closer .. " do you know what l do with the people who ask me lot of questions?!" he whispered in my ear. I was terrified and l was not able to make the eye contact with him . Maybe l have done very wrong asking him . He get off the car and came towards my door. He opened it and pushed me out of the car. l could see that we were in some sort of in the forest . we were in the middle of nowhere . I was terrified about what will he do with me !! My legs were trembling and my eyes were teary.. I was questioning myself . "what is going to happen with me " . "will he kill me ?!. " Y/n congratulations you are going to die " ... l was crying and my head was down and my hands were tighlty holding onto each other . Then l heard him saying ..

jungkook : So long !!! soyun ....

I was shocked to hear that name . I lift my head up and saw soyun coming towards us with the armed men . She get off the another car which was parked in front of us few minutes ago which l forgot to noticed as l was terrified to even look up .


jungkook : so long soyun !!!! baby l must present you something ! Here is your y/n ..

I was confused that why is it about me again ?! . " so y/n missed me ?!" soyun came towards me and slapped me hard !

I was not expecting that all of the sudden untill she spoke " do you remember this slap y/n ?!" . I could not understand what was she saying and l was crying with pain.

y/n : soyun why did you slapped me ?! l was worried about you . How can y-

She stopped those words coming out of my mouth and kissed jungkook all of the sudden ..

I was there standing dumb and my mind was blowing what the hell is wrong with him .. first that girl kissed him ( eunbi ) and now soyun .. but how can she do that ? What the fuck is wrong with this people and how can they claim me for that !!!


She was standing there crying and still figuring out !! How can she be so innocent looking when she is the one who messed up !!

But soon she will have to take the consequences ....poor baby girl .


l could see that jungkook was smirking at me . agh!! what a slut ? does she know about other girl ?! He does not seem right . he is a playboy .

All of a sudden , soyun looked at me and giggling ..." poor y/n you must be thinking what the hell is going around " she spoke . l just stood there listening to her and she told me to remember when l first met her.


when l first came in the university soyun was my senior and the most beautiful girl of the batch but she had an attitude though . At first , when l entered the campus I did not know that all the attention of the campus was on me . Maybe they thaught l was way more beautiful than soyun . But l did not know that soyun was going to bully me as soon as she noticing me came into limelight. Once a day , l was going towards my lecture she bullied me and she ruined my locker by painting on it . l did not know what was wrong with her . l ignored her for a long time untill she came in front of me to insult me that l was a transfer student with no money . she abused me on personal level and she even torn my project work which l made out of hard work . At that time , l did not said anything cause l know if l get in trouble then my parents will be sad . Then one day , she took it so far and try to rip apart my uniform to insult me in front of the campus but l stopped her and slapped her hard enough in front of evryone and from that day on she never bullied and soon often we bacame good friends ...


But how can you do this for me . It was a long time ago and we became good friends so how can you do this to me ?!

soyun : l was not able to withstand that embarrasment y/n . No one have ever tried to slap me even once not even my parents then what makes you special y/n ..

y/n : B-but please l have not done that with my wish . you were the one who was asking for that !!!

Soyun : whatever but l have not forgiven you and you will pay for that !!

y/n : You have already taken everything what do you want now !? ( crying )

jungkook : At first l should take you home soyun for our engagement gala !! Your dad is texting me !

soyun :But what about her ?! l have not taken my revenge yet !

Jungkook : Don't worry ! Leave her to me ...

I could not belive myself that soyun is going to marry him . Jungkook was her fiance which she grabbed about in front of us !!

They must have planned it for so long.. jungkook left with soyun in her car and l was again pushed inside the car and taken back to that house and in that room !!!

I had a headache lately and my eyes could not take more fuzzz so I decided to take a nap before they both return with new surprise !!!