Chapter 3: Special Talent?!

Along with that notice, Ned got a mild headache due to the information pouring into his head.

The said information was consisted of how to enter the space and also how to exit it, but, for it to be directly inscribed into his brain was a bit painful. And it was also a wonder how such an operation came to be.

"so I have to think of entering the space to enter it? And think of getting out to exit? Could this be my gift? The ability to enter a pocket dimension that's only mine? Hmm, Well let's try it first" As much as he was panicked about his situation he was also excited.

Ned with that thought, disappeared from atop the tree, which really surprised him, and the view he saw inside surprised him even more as it was largely different than outside, everything was dark except a blue glowing orb that was floating up and down near him, it was the only light source in there.

He couldn't see anything due to the dark, and he didn't know whether he was flying or stepping on something as he couldn't feel it with his feet at all, but for now he thought to head straight for the orb of light, as he felt there's a connection between them that was pulling him towards it. The moment he thought of nearing the orb though, he suddenly started floating towards it.

Upon reaching it, he noticed that it had a core that was shining an even bluer color than the orb. He then tried to touch the orb, and at the moment of the touch he heard a calming neutral voice originating from the orb while it glowed a bit brighter:

[First time entry. Space is now fully activated]

[Due to the first time entering you've been rewarded :

-a survival pack]

"oh crap, these alerts are really annoying, how can I remember them all if they sound that fast? " Though not a lot of alerts were heard, Ned still struggled to remember them.

Almost immediately after saying that though, the orb glowed for a second and after that a screen popped up in front of him, on the screen was what he had already heard, and also other new alerts so he checked them :

[The Origin space is a reward given to the user that serves as a pocket dimension that only the user can enter.

The space has a basic question and answer option you may use.

The space has the following functions :


-Achievement/Reward Function.

-Infinite warehouse capacity]

Well since he was reading this from the screen he wasn't as shocked and it was easy to understand.

Ned began to think for a while, how can he ask the space questions. "how can I ask a question??" he said out loud.

"[You can talk freely from any place. in the space or outside, in your mind or normally]". He noticed the orb shining while the text was written in the screen.

"Huh what do you mean, if I ask from another place how can I see your answer on the screen ?"

"[If, the user is not in the space, you can summon the screen in front of you. (can only be seen by the user).

If the user would like to hear the answer it would sound in your head. (can only be heard by the user)]".

He thought to himself that he'll check on that later.

He then asked the space a more serious question, now that he found this Question/Answer option, "do you know how did I end up here?"

"[User has been transported with a Magic circle while sleeping]"

"Huh, Magic circle, you mean to say Magic exist?"

"[Affirmative, Magic exist in this world]".

"wow", he was a bit shocked at that revelation, and even more shocked that Magic exist, but calmed down to continue asking his questions " I'll come back to ask about Magic later, right now, do you know why I was the one transported ?"


"I kind of expected that haha, anyways I'll figure it out after I'm more accustomed to this world". He thought, then he asked " What do I do now space ?"

"[Recommended : survival pack]".

"I'll get to that later".

Ned then thought, 'maybe the space can't answer complicated questions' as he need to specify his question for it to answer.

"can you tell me how is it possible for you to converse with me? "

"[The user was given a low grade will to better manage the space]".

"that sure is generous", as he noticed that it said -user was given-he knew that someone or something was the one to gift him such things but also, possibly the ones responsible for his transmigration. For now however he was grateful for who or what gave such things to him.

He then thought of opening the welcoming pack, as it was named survival pack, exactly what he needs currently in this new world.

He was exited to open the pack. As it could have things to help him survive in here. As earlier he had asked if it's a Magic world and it replied yes so now the danger level of this world has been elevated. "can you open my gift ?"


-you have been given one random Talent.

-10000 gold.

-10 to all stats

-Beginner Earth Magic manual.

-Beginner Magic Armor + Weapon]

"hmm can you explain what each one can do ?"


-Talent : it is unique to only the user. It can be mana control, elements affinity, fire manipulation… It is a special trait that can help the user.

-Gold coins : currency of this world (Bronze, Silver, Gold). Can be gained by either killing a living being with bad karma, or monsters.

-Stats : the parameters of the user. Can be seen in status after using the scan function.

-Earth magic : one of the types of magic in this world that can manipulate earth. (_Beginner _Expert _Master)

-Magic armor: a type of armor reinforced with magic.]

Immediately after reading this from the screen, a blue light separated itself from the orb and flowed straight into Ned leaving no time for him to react.

After entering his body it had kept exploring every part of him and making it stronger, until after a bit where the light died out. You would then notice that Ned's figure had changed a lot.

Although previously he could be said to have a good physique, right now he was even better, with well defined muscles. And any unnecessary fat have been removed, as he had a lean figure instead of a bulky one.

As for his black hair it grew a bit longer, and shinier, but his most striking change would be his eyes. His light brown eyes were now brighter than before and combined with his well defined and handsome face he was simply charming.

After the light finished, Ned noticed that he was much stronger physically probably around athletes level in weight lifting still he need to do some tests to be sure.

He was guessing that maybe this change was a result of the 10 stats increase. And he was correct.

"T-this is awesome, I would have to train for at least 10 years to have this physique, and I can even feel a type of energy in my body, what is it? Is it Magic?". He was excited at all of this, but for now ignored the energy coursing through his body, and got back to the other rewards.

For the gold it was obvious what is it for, the only thing was, was 10000 Gold a lot or not, as for the magic manual he'll go back to it later. The armor and weapon were obvious, which leaves him with the Talent.

"Space, can i use that random Talent please? I have a feeling it is really important for me right now."


[Random Talent generating… Talent has been acquired.

User has been bestowed with the Talent: Magic Mastery.]

"Please scan it for me." He thought to use the function Scan on it, as the talents name was ordinary and he was hoping for it to not be. As to how can he know how to use the function of scanning, it was because earlier it said to use scan to see his stats, therefore he understood that it was sort of like appraisal in those novels he used to read.

[Magic Mastery: Can understand and learn to use the types of magic compatible with the user, easier and many times faster.]