Chapter 4: Status and Equipment

After Ned read this he was kind of disappointed and excited at the same time. Disappointed because it didn't look like it was an overpowered ability, and excited because it made it easier for him to use magic and learn it fast, and since he came from a world with no magic he was elated to be able to use it. Little did he know that in the future, this talent will be one of the things he depends on the most.

After getting his talent, he thought it was time to check his status, with the function scan. But before that he was tired of saying space this space that to the will when conversing, therefore he decided to name it something.

"Hey, from now on I will call you...?" He spent a couple minutes thinking of a name that would be 'appropriate' to call the will managing the space, and he did find one.

"Emmy." He said, as he wouldn't feel comfortable with a male name after all.


"Now then Emmy, can you use scan on me?" getting back to what's important he was once again anticipating what he will see, just like a child looking for the new toy his dad brought him.


-Name: (Ned?)

-Age: 20

-Race: Human

-Talent: Magic mastery

-Skills: —

-Magic: —

-stats: Str: 12,  Agi: 13, Spirit: 10]

The first thing he noticed was how there was a ? Beside his name, but he didn't need to ask Emmy to know what it means, it was obviously checking if he wanted to keep his name or change it, while he didn't want to part with his name, under certain conditions he would have to embrace a new one, such if the people of this world were named weirdly, he would bring unnecessary troubles to himself if he kept it. After looking over his name he ignored his race and his own age as it was very obvious, and saw that talent was the reward he got earlier, Magic mastery. Then he checked what was after and he saw that skills and magic were still empty, he guessed it was so because he still didn't learn anything, but he still wondered what was the difference between them.

"Emmy what is the difference between skills and magic?" Ned asked.

[Skills: can be used by circulating mana inside the body or coating a weapon with it. Mostly warriors who use it.

Magic: can't be used without a magic circle. Mostly magicians who use it.]

Sometimes just like this, Emmy instead of answering it, just scan things for him and show him on the screen. Now that he understood it he moved on to next thing.  

The stats were obvious too, str was strength and affected his power and agi was agility and affected his general speed, as for the numbers beside the 10 they must be his stats before the upgrade.

So he was guessing that normal healthy humans had around 2~5 str and 2~5 agi, and athletes around 5~10 str and 5~10 agi. And since this was a magic world he guessed that such a strength was probably only average at best in here, he thought that he should increase his powers fast to live easily.

He then remembered his other rewards and wanted to check them, "Emmy, please give me my magic armor and weapon."

He, before entering the space, was already thinking of acquiring a weapon so that he can hunt for meat and protect himself should the need arise, so this was like a windfall. It wasn't called a survival pack for nothing, it even gave him armor. It was obvious that the reward suited his current needs perfectly, once again he was thankful to whom made such things possible for him.

The moment he finished talking Emmy's voice acknowledged him and the orb shined a much brighter blue than earlier, and it shot out two light blue colored lights. One contained a black core. The second contained a breast plate armor, a shoulder pad, heavy gauntlets reaching Until the elbow, a belt, heavy warrior pants with knee guards and heavy boots. It was a whole armor set, except the helmet, and he was happy with it.

He guessed that the core must be his soon to be weapon and Emmy must know how to use it. As such he didn't equip the armor now and he would leave it until after he got his weapon. For the weapon was much more necessary. As such he looked at the black core, grabbed it in his hands and asked Emmy how to use it "how can I use this thingy?" and got the answer to "[drip some blood on it.]" from the calm as ever Emmy.

So he bit his finger to let a couple drops of blood touch the core, obviously he didn't have something sharp to cut his finger with, and after the core absorbed it, it shone with light for a few seconds and in it's place on his hands was left a longsword. Its hilt had a mixture color of dark brown and gold and it was 30 cm long, it's blade from the rain guard until the point was 110 cm long and was 5 cm wide, with gold lining it's middle up to 3/5 of it's length.

He was fascinated with it the moment it appeared, it had replaced the core on his hand and he didn't feel that it was too heavy, probably due to his increased str, maybe around 2 kg, he kept swinging it in the void with a happy face as it was his first time holding a sword, until eventually he grew a bit tired, a result of never training in swords before. He then used a function that he didn't use before, the inventory, and gave a loving glance to the sword before placing it there while still reluctant to part with it. What was left now was to equip his new equipment's and take his current clothes.

He had noticed when he used the inventory that there is a gold tab that said he had 10000 gold. And also a miniature avatar of himself wearing black shorts and a with t-shirt. He unequipped them and so he was left only in his briefs. To which he noticed that he now has a six pack. Earlier he was wearing his t-shirt so he didn't notice it but now he did and he was pleased with his new look.

Then he brought the armor set to the inventory by touching them one by one, he noticed that he can't place something in the inventory without touching it. After placing them inside he equipped them all. It wasn't very heavy contrary to his thought, he could easily move with it on. But he now looked quite good like a young warrior. One without any experience fighting though. Still he looked awesome With a black shoulder pad on his left shoulder tied to his pants from both sides, bluish black breast plate above a long sleeve black shirt, heavy dark blue gauntlets up to his elbow and a belt with a scabbard for his sword, blue heavy pants with black knee guards that would allow for flexible movement and black heavy boots.

He unequipped the scabbard, and the gauntlets as they would just hinder him in normal life matters, he would only equip them in a fight or for the sake of looking good in front of people. And for now his thoughts went towards his place of sleep, would he sleep here, or on the tree outside, and as he thought of that he face palmed at his idiocy. He forgot to ask can he enter this space whenever he wants or is there a restriction, and so he asked Emmy "is there a time restriction for the space?"

"[You can stay in the space as much as you want, however the time flow will continue at a rate similar to the space, and you can only enter the space twice a day"]

"I can only enter twice per day hmm, it's okay for now since I don't know how dangerous this world is I'll use the first opportunity to sleep the night in. And the second time I will use it as a last resort if I ever find myself in trouble. As for the time rate it doesn't really inconvenience me" Ned said.

Afterwards thought of the magic manual and studying it, but then shook his head and thought against it As he noticed that it is 10pm at the hour in the inventory, he was tired and for now decided to sleep. Hunting for meat, acquiring water, training his magic, would all be left until tomorrow.

The only problem now was how would he sleep? Floating? It was funny that in this situation he found himself in today, he was currently thinking of where to sleep. Unfortunately no bed materialized out of nowhere like in the novels, and so he thought that sleeping while floating would be an interesting experience. So he just closed his eyes and calmed his raging mind from all thoughts and focused on sleeping, and soon he was calmly breathing and snoring.