Chapter 5: First fight

Hours went by, with Ned sleeping peacefully in the void surrounding him, there was no sound to disturb him only silence and so he slept like a log the very first day on this new world.

When it was exactly 8:30am on the inventory clock, Ned began stirring awake, he yawned and did a couple stretches while looking around him to know where he is, as he was still sleepy, then he remembered, and started thinking of what to do now.

"I think I'll get outside now and eat those remaining fruits, then after that probably go hunt for some rabbit meat, still now that I think about it my sword is a bit big for hunting rabbits I don't think it's suited for that" He suddenly thought of this and was now in a dilemma, on how to hunt, he didn't think of this yesterday because he was exited  with his new weapon.

"Anyways for now I should go eat first" Ned decided that he'll think of something after eating. With a thought he was outside standing on the wide branch of the tree that he previously wanted to sleep on. On the corner he found what he was looking for, a tree leaf wrapping around the fruits. He happily took them and started munching on them. 4 of such apples were sufficient to quell his hunger yesterday, but he was now much stronger probably 10 times stronger, therefore he wasn't happy with eating just the fruits even though he did think they tasted good.

And so he equipped his sword along with it's scabbard, and started doing some warming exercises, he was a modern guy after all. His first object was to look for a water source, second to hunt for meat, and third to look for a way out of this forest but he still wouldn't leave yet, fourth to look for a cave to rest, In the time when he isn't in the space. Then he remembered something he saw yesterday in the inventory when he placed his sword there. A backpack. And so he took it out. It was a normal green backpack, but still he wanted to face palm himself once again. Because on it's left pocket it contained a dark purple water bottle, and to his dismay on it's right pocket, a military combat knife.

"H-haha I should probably start checking everything properly from now on" He laughed to himself wryly.

For now the sword was unnecessary and would hinder his stealthy movements when stalking his prey while the gauntlets will make it hard to hold the knife, therefore he placed them both in the inventory and separated the sword from it's sheath. In case he needs it would be ready to draw blood. He returned the backpack and the water bottle to the space after drinking a bit from it. Then started climbing off the tree. It was high so he took a bit of time until his feet's touched the ground, after that he immediately sped off into a shrubbery nearby, and started looking for any possible threat. After a few minutes looking he was now running from a hiding place to another while looking for any possible prey.

Although he didn't notice, he was much faster than before, and clearly had greater control over his body as he didn't make a lot of sounds while running. After half an hour of running, he was now looking ahead of him, at two green rabbits  like the ones he saw yesterday, the rabbits were playing in a small forest clearing. Their size was bigger than normal rabbits around a cat's size. He kept looking at them while waiting for the right moment to strike. Three minutes later, one of the rabbits was running ahead of the other one around where Ned was hiding, and when it passed his exact spot, Ned caught it and brought it into the shrubbery, and directly plunged his knife into where it's heart is supposed to be, and so it died without a squeak. He still didn't go back and stared at the second one that was now searching for it's 'playmate'. Ned repeated the same steps with the second one. And he now had food for around 4~5 days due to their size. Then after this he started to look in his surroundings for a cave to reside in. (A/N: Action part next)

He soon found one and there was even a creek nearby, after all the bottle wasn't going to refill itself, while circling around the cave a bit, he kept thinking of how tasty the meat of his game would be, as in his past world he did eat rabbit meat and it was delicious. As for how to cook it he had already noticed earlier that the backpack had a box of matches. So fire was no issue, however, where to light it up to cook would be, as he didn't want to be stalked by a fierce beast, or worst monster due to the fumes and he still didn't enter the cave to see it's size. While unaware, his fear of the situation of being stalked by a beast, was happening to him right now, a pair of red eyes had locked on him the moment blood flowed out of the first rabbit.

Even though Ned was still running from a hiding place to another, his speed was slower than earlier and he was relaxed, probably because of his successful hunt, which was a mistake, as although he thought to hide he didn't remember that animals had a powerful nose especially when it came to blood.

When Ned felt like he had looked around the cave enough and was planning to now check it, he was suddenly met with fierce and sharp fangs aiming directly at his throat, he didn't even have enough time to look at what attacked him, the fangs were about to bite him straight to death. But he, with his instinct heightened to the limit because of the situation he was facing, reacted with an insane speed for the current him and brought his left hand in front of him guarding his throat while his right, still holding his knife was plunged into the beast trying to eat him.

Unfortunately for him, his left  hand was bitten through straight to the bones by the fangs while it's claws targeted his right thigh and successfully injured him. As for Ned, the knife that was very sharp earlier when he killed the rabbits didn't even enter past it's hide, before the creature twisted it's body making his grave arm wound even worse. And also effectively breaking the upper part of the knife and it jumped to the back and entered a crouching situation where it can jump at him any moment while enjoying the look of horror on it's prey.

Ned finally released from his death grip, wasn't in a position to relax, ignoring the pain from his left hand and his now broken knife, looked at the beast and finally saw that it was a wolf with black fur, with a size much bigger than normal wolfs. Upon looking into it's eyes he saw the glint of mockery in them, and so he was enraged and he let his rage drive him as he directly equipped his sword with his right hand. Even though the sword was a bit heavy to be carried with one hand, due to his increased str he carried like it's nothing.

The wolf seeing the sword in Ned's hand knew that it was capable of hurting it and even killing it, and so opted to kill him quickly, and jumped at him, Ned however this time had time to intercept it's attack, and he swept his sword from above to the ground. And when it touched the wolf he felt it's weight and increased his strength to push it back. The wolf now had a very deep wound running from it's neck to it's stomach. And it looked hatefully at him, to which he didn't mind and this time he was the one to run first and attack it.

Seeing the incoming attack the wolf growled maliciously and jumped at him swinging it's claws at his chest, leaving three shallow cuts on his breastplate before Ned plunged his sword into it's chest, and watched how the light dimmed from it's eyes while it still swung it's claws on a instinctive level trying to injure him. But they were mere scratches compared to his now limp left arm, still he twisted the sword in it's chest killing it immediately. And falling above it gasping for breath. His injuries were grave and if he didn't get medical treatment right now he would probably die quickly. However he still couldn't help but mutter in a weak voice " w-wasn't it supposed to be a goblin for my first fight?"

Ned right now started calming down, and all the pain from earlier attacked him fully, so while he still had his consciousness he entered the space and placed everything else in the inventory.

"C-cough Emmy can you heal me please?" he asked her while breathing painfully, as his mind was getting numb and would soon lose consciousness due to blood loss.

"[I can't, however the space does have a regeneration function when you're sleeping]" Emmy informed him, and when he heard the first words he despaired but relaxed after hearing the rest, and immediately fell asleep not even minding the new talent he got from the reward function. Because he was not capable of reading from the screen now it was heard as an alert, which served no purpose but irritate him.

[Achievement met. Killed a magical beast for the first time.


-New talent: Sword mastery.

-1000 Golds.

-10 to all stats

-weapon of choice.]