Chapter 9: Once again hunting

His progress was nothing but shocking if you would consider that he had progressed this much in but five days. However the most important thing will be how much Ned will grow strong once he is able to use his talents. His mana was already growing at a fast pace and when he can use his talent it will practically explode. As for his physical stats once he can use his sword talent it will grow by leaps and bounds.

For now however non of that matter as Ned right now was preparing himself mentally to get out of the space, as he was still scared and traumatized of facing another life and death situation.

But he had already steeled his heart, his goal was to reach his limits to be the strongest so that he can live freely and choose his own choices, he didn't want a king or emperor or anybody to order him, and to decide things for him. Therefore he will grow strong and protect himself, and if on his journey he got close to someone then he'll protect them too.

Finally ready, he willed himself to get out, and his view changed into the outside, in the place where he and the wolf fought until the death. He could still see the blood all around the place, and now that he thinks about he still had the wolf's body in his inventory, he wouldn't eat it obviously as he was from a modern world, and so he left it to see if he can sell it in the future because it said it was a magical beast.

He went and climbed a tree nearby, this time much easier due to his increased strength, as he Wanted to check something with Emmy.

"Hey can I use the function scan on my surroundings?" he had asked because theoretically it was possible, and if it proved true than he would have a map function to see his enemies.

"[yes.]" True to his expectations, it was possible as told by Emmy.

He then brought the screen in front of him and used scan. And saw that the range was 1km and, he was marked with a purple dot, and there were many small green ones moving in the vicinity. But the ones he took attention of were the red ones, there were three red dots, two around 300m from him and the last one and the biggest one of them was around the edges of what he can map.

He asked Emmy "Can you explain what the colors mean?" although he had a guess he still wanted to make sure.

"[Blue: friendly.

Green: neutral.

Red: enemy.]"

As he heard her he knew that the three dots were dangerous beasts and the green ones small animals. He wanted to check the last dot and pressed it and was surprised when he read [Food]. Firstly this meant that he can to an extent know the feelings or what people or beasts think about him when he scans them using the map. Second it meant that the beast with the biggest dot had already saw him somehow as when he checked the other two, they didn't have anything when he pressed on them.

For now he guessed that maybe the beast is related to the wolf he killed or something, and got off the tree to start his hunt. He remembered about the novels where they said they can see the map in the eye periphery and so he asked Emmy about it to which she replied it was possible, and now he can hunt much easier with the map appearing on the left side of his sight. He left the map scanning continuously as he didn't want a new beast suddenly appearing in front of him.

Reaching the first green dot, as he thought, it was a rabbit munching on a tree leaf, and so his hunt started with the poor animal.

Several hours later, Ned was heading for the cave he had found before his fight with the wolf while ruminating about the closest red dot to him. It wasn't very far from the cave so he was thinking that maybe he should kill it. He had already marked the trees for when he was coming back so he was quick to reach the cave.

Once he reached the cave he was smiling happily but still continuously checking the map for any danger, he wasn't about to get fooled twice. The reason for his happiness is, how much animals he hunted. Not all the dots were of rabbits, there were many birds that were resting in trees and without a bow he can do nothing to them. Still he got some birds that couldn't fly they looked like chicken but were much fatter and had a small beak, he got thirteen ones and as for the rabbits he had hunted close to one hundred of them.

This number was enough for him right now to last him three to four months, as for the closest beast, he could either leave it until he finished training or, go and kill it to see the result of his training so far. After a couple of minutes he decided to go kill it, and so made the right preparations. And then departed running in a straight line towards it. 10 minutes later he was nearing it, and saw on the map that beast had already noticed him and was circling him thinking that it was going to ambush him. Too bad for it he now came prepared and even had a cheat like map. He stopped running and let it come to him. He wasn't going to kill it as soon he sees it instead he wanted to dodge it a bit and see his fruits of training. The beast now coming stealthily from his 'unguarded' side pounced at him and used it's claws to try and pin him then bite his head. Ned already expecting it put strength into his left leg and jumped to the side and let it fall on the ground and glare at him. He now identified the beast as blue tiger with black stripes. He grabbed his dagger in a reverse grip and smiled in mockery at the failed attempt of ambush by the tiger.

And the tiger seeing this, growled and started running at him and jumped aiming for his throat, but he side stepped it easily, his speed was 40 and he guessed that the tiger at best was 20~25, and after a couple minutes playing tag with it, he thought it was time to end this and when he saw it jumping at him, he stretched his left hand to its throat at a speed the tiger could do nothing about effectively grabing it's wind pipe and crushing it. And followed this by his dagger aiming it at it's brain. The moment he crushed it's throat he saw the light starting to fade from it's eyes, so he just gave it mercy by ending it's last minute suffering quickly.

And so placing it's corpse in his inventory, he checked his map for any threat and then started heading to the cave from where he'll enter the space.

Once he reached it he looked for some nearby large rocks to close the opening of the cave. after finding some and getting tjem all inside he started closing it from the inside And he then reentered the space to start his training once again.