Chapter 10: Breaking through the limit

Finally back to space, he turned the map off and brought the screen in front of him, to see if he got any alert after killing another magical beast. And he did get a reward just that it was not what he had expected.

[100 Gold]

"Didn't it give me 1000 gold last time? But then I guess it did because it was the first time I killed a magical beast, otherwise it wouldn't be an achievement, even so getting 100 gold is good from killing beasts" he thought to himself, as he was happy even with 100 gold.

But he was disappointed to not get a new talent. He wanted a dagger mastery so that he can have one talent for each weapon of use, and even magic. He guessed that he should make an achievement using nothing but his dagger, however he didn't know what counts as an achievement for the space.

But he decided to keep using his dagger on every hunt he goes on, for the chance of getting dagger mastery.

"That way, I would have the dagger for close range, the sword for middle range, and magic for the long range" He said to himself, as he turned the screen off.

It was now 3 in the afternoon and he had hunted all the morning. After a satisfying meal it was time to resume his training. And so equipping his sword, he started his running practice.

He trained while thinking about how his strength once reached 30 started increasing slower compared to how it increased from 20 to 30. He guessed that his training would stagnate once he reached 50. And he would have to find solutions if that came true.


On the outside a big crystal armored beast was running in the direction of Ned's cave.

It had smelled the blood of one of the beasts that it was saving for food for later times. Therefore this time it was even more enraged than last time, as it had smelled the same smell of the one from last time who took it's prey.

Once it reached around the cave it smelled the place looking for Ned's smell, and it soon turned to the caves small entrance.

It walked closer to it and wanted to kill whoever was there but it wasn't able to enter due to the rocks making a blockade. Using it's powerful crystal bear hands it started destroying the rocks Ned used to close the cave and once it was done all it could fit in was it's head and one of it's hands.

Enraged it got out, roared at the sky and used some sort of ability as once it Finished yelling the crystals surrounding it's hands got larger and sharper from it's shoulder right until it's claws. Then with it's enhanced strength it started tearing the cave's entrance like it was made of butter. It's roar made all the beasts in the forest who heard it Cower in fear.

Soon it had entered inside with it's menacing red eyes glowing in the darkness. Upon finding no one it smelled the scents in the air to make sure, and once it found that this is where the smell suddenly vanished it was perplexed and angry and started to throw the stones near it, all around the place.

A couple minutes later it was tired and had enough so it went out of the cave and went to find one of it's other saved meals. It normally only ate many small animals but sometimes it indulges in one like the tiger Ned killed.


Ned oblivious to the mistake he had made, was still training like he used to. And since he didn't need to get out outside he spent 2 days like this training before taking a short rest to think about something important.

He had reached 90 in his spirit and if he mediated tonight then he would reach 100 and probably break through rank one. And he didn't want to break through his spirit only.

He wanted to reach 100 in all three stats, and see if that would make an achievement.

"Let's see I should stop meditating at night, and return to sleep normally, as for my other stats they really did stagnate after 40, I barely reached 43 after two days, once I reach 50 I should think of ways to increase it at a faster rate" And so he made the plans for his future training.

What he didn't know was that people spent a the least 6 Months training to reach rank one, while he at the rate he is going at he would at most need two months. And if he found ways to increase his str and agi faster than probably just around one month.

Three days later he had reached 50 in both agi and str, and had already thought of a way to increase his improvement rate. He would get out and search the surroundings for some large rocks with differing weights, and heavy tree trunks to use.

But once he got out he was scared of what he saw.

And  he hurriedly used map to scan his surroundings for any enemy, and once he saw only green dots he was finally relieved. The reason for this was that his cave was filled with claw marks and broken rocks and the entrance was open and was even wider than he remembered, he can even see the deep claw marks on it.

It was obvious some beast was tracking him or something, he didn't find the previous two other red points on the map so he guessed they are outside his mapping limit. There were other red points but non as big as the tiger one.

For now he got back to his objective, and collected all what he need, and even killed some of the smaller red dots, and kept their corpses in the inventory. Getting back to the cave he went back inside the space.

And resumed his training this time much harder. He would tie a heavy square shaped rock using a type of plants that was quite sturdy and looked like a rope, then tie it around his waist and start running. Then he would do push up with a similar rock placed on his back. Squats with a round rock placed on his shoulders and neck. Holding a big round rock and throw it as far as he can to the back.

At first even running this way was exhausting, but a week later he got used to it and started increasing the size of the rocks.

This had continued on until he had reached 99 in both stats, and that night he meditated to reach 100 and at the next morning he did his final routine to finally reach 100 in all stats.  

He was right now wearing his heavy pants and boots while his upper body was bare, and would definitely be a treat to the eyes of the opposite sex. As for his hands he was still wearing his gauntlets, he had grown attached to them since his training started.

Emmy then asked him if he wanted to advance to rank one in both magic and being a warrior. Before he answered yes though he wanted to first be prepared to what will happen.

So after a couple of deep breaths he sat cross legged and pressed yes on the screen.