Chapter 11: Rewards for breakingthrough

He brought the screen in front of him to see what will happen after he pressed yes.

[Achievement. Reached rank one in both being a mage and a warrior.


-New map function.

-Elemental physique.

-Lost magic: Earth(gravity) manual.

-The three steps of Hermes.]

Ned was jubilant as what he expected really did come true, by reaching rank one in both he did meet the requirement for an achievement.

As for the rewards aside from the map function, he would check them to see because he couldn't understand them just yet.

[Elemental body: transform a part of your body into one of the elements to use magic without chanting or a magic circle (Once used for the first time it will be painful as it will make your body compatible with the elements, hence the name)]

"W-wow, is this real, I haven't even started using magic and now I can potentially use all it's elements? And even without chanting?" Ned couldn't help but exclaim to himself. But still he continued checking the rest. The next thing was the lost magic.

[Earth magic: Gravity: a lost magic that no longer exist in the world of Askir, can be used to control the gravity]

This came as a surprise to Ned as he didn't think that there would be lost magic's in this world, if there were others he would love to collect them.

He guessed that he got a lost magic relating to earth because he had already got earth magic in the first reward. Moving on he checked the last one. As it was the one he was the most perplexed and anxious to know about.

[The three steps of Hermes: a movement technique copying a messenger God named Hermes who is known for his speed.

First step: it increases your speed by kicking against the ground.

Second step: you can kick the ground/air for a second time during movement.

Third step: connects you from place to place in an instant.]

He was surprised at reading this, the two first steps were already a cheat as he can kick the ground to accelerate at a fast speed and still kick a second time to double it or in case something went wrong he can even use the second step to change direction. But the third step that was practically teleportation. However he still asked The question he was confused about.

"Emmy is god Hermes one of the gods of this world?" He knew that he was one of the Greek Gods in his old world, but was not sure if he was also one here.

"[No]" although her answer was short It brought relief to him as he didn't really want the Greek gods to be real in this world. So after confirming that he told Emmy To begin his breakthrough. And he even told her to use the elemental physique on him along it.

A blue light shined from the orb and went inside Ned. And he closed his eyes, and waited for the changes to happen to his body.

First were the breakthroughs, his mana doubled in size and separated into two parts. One went inside his body and started revolving along his meridians. As for the second part it went to his heart and made a circle of mana surrounding it and started sending thread by thread of it inside.

As for the elemental body once it integrated with him it made him feel like crying from how much pain he felt, but he still grit his teeth and held his yelling. But even though he tried his best after a few minutes of pain he ended up yelling until his voice grew hoarse.

Then after a while of yelling and rolling on the ground, the pain finally subsided, and he stayed laying on the ground there breathing heavily.

But once his body had changed into the elemental body he could feel the earlier mana that was revolving around his meridians slowly, start to pick up speed. The same could be said for the one sending threads of mana to his heart the threads it sent now were much bigger, and with each thread new he could feel he became more powerful.

After an hour, the changes were finally done. He had already recovered from the pain earlier and was feeling invigorated and full of strength right now.

He slowly got up from the Ground, his upper body still bare but now his muscles were visibly bigger than before, his hair once again grew up, and now it reached his shoulders, and he wanted to give it a cut, as for his eyes they were much brighter than before, a sign of someone who reached rank one in magic. He made a fist with his hands and felt the power coursing through him.

He started walking to the largest stone in here, it was round with a height of four meters and probably weight about 800~900kg. Previously he couldn't even nudge it out of it's place, he was so far only able to lift 500kg stones at 99 stats, as for beyond 500kg he was only able to push them not lift them.

But now he put his hands under it and gripped strongly enough for his fingers to leave holes, so that the stone wouldn't fall, he lifted it and felt that it was heavy but he could still probably lift something heavier than it at his best state.

Now using the mana revolving in his body, he made it flow into his arms, and felt the weight of the rock decrease until he was easily holding it above his head, gripping his right hand even harder he slowly released his left and was surprised when he could lift it with one hand.

Pointing his left leg forward he supported the stone with his left hand once again and made a throwing motion as he charged his right hand with mana and swung it releasing the stone and watched how far it would reach.

He wouldn't even be able to push it previously not to say throw it, therefore he was marveling at the power of mana that made it possible for him.

After watching the stone fall and break, and breaking out of his excited state, his attention turned into the new map function that he got. He asked Emmy how to use it.

"How can I use the new map function?"

"[open the map and use scan on the place you want, and you would know it]" She replied.

And so he tried to use scan in here but it didn't work so he wanted to get outsideto use it, but then an idea came to his mind and he acted upon it immediatly.

"Scan the outside for me" He used scan on the outside from the space and if it worked then that would simply be awesome. And after the scan finished a map really appeared on the screen in front of him. The cave was empty. And he could see that the range had increased a bit.

However what he was interested in was the camera icon he can now see on the upper part of the screen, he pressed it and once he saw the change that happened to the map his mouth widened into the shape of an O.

He could actually see the outside like there was a camera projecting a video to him. He could see around 20~25 meters around the place he went into the space from.

"As a gentlemen I of course wouldn't use this for evil purposes such as peeping on girls bathing" He joked to himself.