Chapter 31: Yulyas

Both Amelia and Lucy, were surprised as he took off his helmet, not because he was overly handsome or anything, but because he listened to Amelia. Most warriors were arrogant and didn't want people to order them around. So was Ned, but now he was under the alias Ray.

She gave a nod and said, "We should wait for the other kingdom reinforcement representative".

Ned had noticed that both girls were a bit disgusted when Amelia mentioned the other races.

He had thought, that the two kingdoms had made peace but it appeared that discrimination can never vanish.

His opinion about the two girls was getting even lower, first because they treated him as beneath them, considering that they were actually the ones beneath him, as he was technically the disciple of one of the two rank 8 in the kingdom.

Second because they were disgusted with someone that was coming to help them.

But he just stayed sitting awaiting for the person to come.

At 8am sharp the person finally showed up. And Ned got to know what exactly people meant by saying other races.

The person to come wasn't a half human like he was expecting, rather he was a tiger in humanoid form. He was overly muscular, and had a tail above his butt. As for his equips, they were normal except bigger in size.

He was by no means late, rather he had come at the exact time scheduled for the meeting.

"My name is Amelia Ménard, the general chosen for this time. And you are late." It didn't appear like Amelia had shared his opinion. And he saw that even Lucy, from her expression, was of the same opinion.

"My name is Yulyas, and I don't suppose so Lady Amelia, the meeting was said to be at 8m, and that is the time right now." The tiger person said, while scratching his head.

Ned was still trying to adapt to the situation, he had never seen a talking tiger in his life before.

Seeing the tiger race person disrespecting her, Amelia was angry, but saw that the time was indeed like he said, therefore she stayed silent and just gave a nod, while remembering her fathers words, he had said that they were here to help them so she shouldn't make their already tense situation even worse.

After everyone sat and reintroduced themselves. She began to speak "As usual we would choose a person to lead a squad of his guild mates, you Tiger race will lead the races that came as reinforcements, Lucy would lead the magician unit, and you Raymond, will lead the swordsmen unit, even though I'm also a swordswomen, I would lead the rogue unit with the help of someone from it. Understood?"

Everybody nodded, and she continued, "As you know, the number of magicians and swordsmen or rogues is small. Therefore, and after counting we barely reach past 500 people." Ned already heard this from the old man, how the people who cultivate are a small number. So he gave a nod along with the others.

"Against the huge numbers of the demons the battle is always quite hard, we would at first stop their charge using magic, and once they are divided we would separate into our respective groups and pursue them until we kill them all along with their general" Amelia said, and Ned knew nothing about wars therefore he just listened, but he saw that the others gave nods of approval so he guessed that she was good at this at least. He could even see that the tiger, who Ned had noticed from his facial features that he is quite old, had a satisfied grin on his face, he was pleased by the plan.

After that they went to their respective groups to tell them the situation. Along the way the tiger came to him, and said " I can notice from your expression that this was your first time seeing the races right? But I admire you for not having any disgusted thought about us."

Ned was surprised and replied to him with a chuckle "It is stupid and pointless to hate someone because of their looks, if your personality is good then even if you would look like the gatekeeper of hell I would still befriend you"

The tiger didn't understand the joke though as he said "I don't know of this gatekeeper of hell but I can guess that he is quite ugly. Once again, my name is Yulyas, it would be my pleasure to be friends with someone like you."

Ned replied to him as he liked this kind of people "Sure" and shook his hands with Yulyas.

After which they went their ways, and Ned told his guild mates that he was in charge, and surprisingly nobody objected. Not even the other rank 4 expert, as he looked much relieved.

Once everything was done. Amelia got out of her tent along with the new appointed rogue to help her. As she began to organize their defensive line. there was not any rank 4 from the rogues this time and so she chose to lead them.