Chapter 32: First wave

After everything was done, and everybody was at their posts, Ned began to eye them on his map, looking for any traitors. Although the guild cards were hard to forge, he wasn't going to take any chances. And the map will show any hostile person no matter his disguise.

He was surprised that he didn't find any, but then again he summarized that the demons won't waste a valuable spy on this small time war.

Now assured that he wouldn't get stabbed in the back, he turned his attention to the formation they took.

All five hundred of them were on the ground, while the regular soldiers they were above the wall manning the magical canons and bows.

As for them, he felt that they were in a good defensive line, with the swordsmen and the other races as the first line, after which comes the rogues, then the magicians, the biggest damage unit, and some swordsmen protecting their backs.


Not long after, everybody was able to notice the coming swarm of demons, but it was still hard to make out the features of them. Ned thought that they would at best reach them in another fifteen minutes.

"Warriors, just like out plan, once they reach near enough, step aside and let our magicians destroy those filthy mutts" Amelia yelled out with passion to which everybody replied with an:


Once the demons were near, Ned finally saw how they looked and then knew why Amelia had called them mutts, they were small red things that looked like goblins, running on their legs and using their hands as supports like monkeys. He could see in their eyes nothing but malevolence. And it was at this moment after seeing their eyes that he steeled his heart to kill the bastards.

Once they reached near all of the swordsmen and rogues, made path for the magicians who had already chanted their magic.

Ned for the first time in this world, saw how people used magic, unlike him who can just use elemental body, they had to chant and use a magic circle, and that used a lot of time.

Once they were done, the many magic circles that had appeared in the air, released their magic bombarding the oncoming bastards.

The sky was died with many colors, some had attacked using water element and some using earth, but the most obvious and numerous was the fire element.

Head amongst the fire element, was a huge fire dragon that was released by non other than Lucy, the arrogant girl he had !et at the meeting tent.

Once the magic was done, the fate of those demons was sealed, their huge numbers, easily reaching past 10000, were now but a joke, after taking the magic.

All of them was the lowest class demons there is, barely reaching rank 1. And as such, they were decimated upon contact.

Once the magic touched them, Ned was surprised to see that not even a couple hundreds were left alive.

But he got back into position, to protect the now low on mana magicians, who were chugging potions down their throats.

The surviving demon mutts, were still running at their direction like they haven't just suffered a huge loss.

However since they were just weak, Ned and his unit along with the races and the rogues took care of them quickly even with the numbers difference.

Using his katana he was destroying them left and right not caring at the least about how many they are. From the corner of his eye he saw the different races fighting style.

This time only two races had come. The tiger race, and the horse race. He had seen the tiger people before, but seeing a humanoid horse Was weird in his eyes, but he wasn't going to be disgusted by them.

The tigers were superior in strength and didn't use any weapon, but their bare hands, and he knew that they were master at that. As for the horse race they were holding spears, and playing with mutts, each one killing dozens of them easily.

Not even half an hour and they were done with this one sided fight. Ned had noticed that the general was watching them all, but mostly kept her eyes on him. It was probably due to how easily he took care of this situation without any casualties.

"WELL DONE" she yelled as she raised her sword high in the sky and everybody did the same. Then she added "Now we must be ready for the second wave, it will be much harder, I don't know what they would send, but I'm sure it won't be weak like those mutts. Therefore warriors do your best" and everybody yelled at the top of their lungs.

Ned could see the passion they had for their kingdom, the fact that they were here happily defending their home even at the expense of their lives was commendable at the least. If only they weren't lead by such an arrogant person though. But so far she had done her job well, so he had nothing to complain about.