Chapter 33: Second wave

Ned had a hunch that the next wave will be much harder to defend against, but even so he was sure that they would stop the demons advance nonetheless.

He had seen how his guild mates fought, and how the tiger race and horse race easily took care of the demons. However he had understood that the greatest fighting force they had was the magicians, they could easily destroy the demons no matter the numbers.

And so he had come to a decision, that he would use magic now however he would use chants.

It was still not time for him to show his trump card. But even so he won't be joining the other magicians in chanting such long chants, rather he would use only keywords to activate his magic, that way he would be able to fight with both his sword and magic.

But even so, it wouldn't do for the demons to underestimate the power of his short chant magic.

With his mind made of, Ned went close to Yulyas, the tiger race person and said, "After the second wave is done, and as you know, the demons wouldn't come out of the forest therefore as usual we would spread inside and chase them. My suggestion is that you stick close to my unit, and that you don't venture too deep inside."

Yulyas, was surprised that Ned had actually cared enough about his people to say this. So with a gaze filled with gratitude, he bowed a bit as he said "thank you".

Ned was surprised by this and wondered if the discrimination was deeper than he thought. And so he asked him " why are you acting like this, we're friends no?"

"Indeed, but you must be new to this. In the past, although the humans will never admit it, when the fight comes, they use us as vanguard against the demons, and that always resulted in a lot of casualties among my people. Of course that doesn't mean that your people are to blame, as even my people do the same to yours when they come to our aid. As such I will accept your offer with gratitude." He said all this and finished it by bowing his head.

Although their were only 50 people that had come this time from the races they were a force to reckon with, and Ned wasn't sure about the decision to exploit them and earn their hate rather than work with them which would be more effective and would earn you their trust.

"There is no need to thank me for this, as I haven't done you a favor or anything, I have just treated you as my friends, and warrior brothers." Ned said, and he wasn't lying, as he had noticed earlier that when he talked with Yulyas, and when they fought against the first wave, all of them had turned into [friends] in the map once he scanned them.

Yulyas nodded and smiled at Ned, who still found it weird seeing a tiger smiling at him.

The second wave was soon going to come, after which he would go back to that forest, that he had lived in for a year. He was told that it was the most mysterious and most dangerous place in the continent of the humans Askir. Named the forest of secrets, because the humans had uncovered many secrets from it.

And it was rumored to house many rank 8 monsters inside. And Ned was thankful that he had only appeared on the outskirts of it when he first came to this world, otherwise he would have been food in some monster's stomach by now.

When the demons attack the kingdom, they hide their true numbers at the forest and attack by waves, but he was told that the reason why the humans attack them after the second wave, was so that they can look for their general, and kill him, and the demons being the coward and sneaky race they are would scatter and try to run. Of course only their minions are like this.

The second wave soon came, and just like Ned had expected, they defended against it succefully. It was harder than the first wave but still manageable.

He had known that the demon mutts were like the dogs of the demon race, and don't count as a class among them. But what had come to attack them this time, was the lowest class of demons.

It was a humanoid form demon that was much thinner than a normal villager, but had long hands with sharp claws. And they were born as rank two and would forever remain as such.

They had attacked with less numbers than the first time, barely reaching two thousands.

They were quick on their feet but weren't something that the defense force won't be able to take care of. The usual tactic had worked the same with them just like it did on the first wave.

They blasted them with magic effectively reducing their numbers, and then finished them with the close range warriors.

And now it was time to sniff out the general of the filthy demons.