Chapter 35: interrogate

Once he and his unit were done erecting their temporary tent, he started dividing them into small effective groups. Groups that covered all fields.

He had 153 people under him, and for Ned who is new to all this, he felt the responsibility of making sure they all go back to their families okay.

When the magician unit was divided he took 13 with him, and the same was for Amelia, and the other two remaining groups took 12 magicians each. As for the rogues, since there was just 40, each group tool 10.

He would first choose two mages and two rogues, twenty swordsmen, and ten other races, who will stay at the camp and guard it.

Then he would divide the remaining people on six groups. Each with ten swordsmen. And then he would divide the remaining magicians and rouges and races in an effective way among them.

Leaving each one of the five groups with, ten swordsmen, two mages, and one rogue. While the last group, the sixth would have ten swordsmen, one mage, and three rogues.

The sixth group would be lead by Ned. And as for the other races, since he noticed that they don't like them much, he only gave each of the five groups, six people of the other races. Leaving the sixth group with ten other races.

So Ned gathered them after erecting their tents, and told them his idea. And they all accepted, but he had changed his mind and told the three rogues from his group to stay in the camp.

Making his group only have ten swordsmen, ten other races, and one mage. His reason being that he has the map, he doesn't need them so he would put them in a place where they can do their jobs well.

In the end every group ended up having almost 20 people, and Ned was happy with this number.

"Now that we are divided in the most efficient way, we will separate and hunt as many demons as we can okay?" to which they all yelled a yes. "And if a group is in danger, the guild card will show, and any group near it should head there, this is important, I don't want to see any death among my unit" He added to them and they all showed serious faces as they nodded their heads.

"Alright, let's go" Ned was the first to start running with his group. And soon he wasn't able to see the other groups on his map, as they had passed his range.

In his group their was his friend Yulyas. So Ned had someone to take advices from on his hunt of the demon general.

They killed many demon mutts, and low class demons, but his group didn't meet anything stronger, however he had saved many groups from danger, when he saw the guild card flashing a red color. But it was not some stronger demon, rather they were overwhelmed by the numbers.

It was not until they were preparing to head back to the camp and the sky was starting to darken that they were attacked by a stronger class of demons.

They were walking when they were attacked by what appeared to be humanoid demons riding on some sort of demonic tiger that was huge in size. There were many of such demons and tigers but Ned focused on one particular demon.

The attack was fast and it almost lead to the death of one of the other races, all due to Ned who forgot to check his map. But he still reacted quickly using his movement technique, to vanish and reappear in front of the tiger trying to bite a horse person.

Once he reached he drew his sword in a swift motion easily decapitating it's head. And the horseman who now recovered his bearing, impaled the shoulder of the demon with his spear.

"Guuuhhh" the demon yelled painfully, but it's eyes showed nothing but craziness. "Curse you humannnnnnnnsss".

"I'm sorry my friend, I had relaxed a bit on our journey back, otherwise I would be able to detect them easily" Ned ignored the yelling demon and said with an apologetic tone to the horseman. He was ashamed of his mistake.

"No no, you don't have to apologize to me, I was the one at fault for letting down my guard" the horseman said quickly, he had already felt that Ned was treating them well, and now he had even saved his life.

Ned gave a nod to him, and bowed his head a bit. He was sincere in his apology, the horseman may not know, but Ned felt it was his fault.

Tying the injured demon, and focusing on the other ones, Ned quickly joined the fight, and gave his orders to let them stay alive if possible, for them to interrogate them as he had seen that were able to talk.

Not but 15 minutes later the fight was done, and Ned ordered them to get back to the camp, with five demons tied by ropes, walking behind them.

Ned was close to finding the general.