Chapter 36: Is it done?

Ned was prepared to interrogate the demons they caught so that they can resume their hunt in the morning.

And so after tying them up, he ordered his men to each take one inside a tent, and try to see if they can gleam any information from them.

He headed into the tent where the one he'll interrogate was in. Once inside, Ned stepped up slowly towards the demon, and even though the demons was full of craziness it was still able to feel pain, therefore when it saw Ned it got scared, but it didn't show.

Of course it wouldn't show for a normal person, but Ned here has the map function, which he used and found out that the demon is scared.

"What are you filthy dogs plotting this time?" Ned looked at the demon with disgust. He didn't notice earlier, but now he smelled the horrible stench coming from it.

"C-curse you, my brethren will tear your limbs apa… guuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the demon started cursing and yelling, but wasn't able to finish as it saw Ned pointing his hands at it, and a earthen spike came out from the ground and went straight through it's right leg.

"Y-you filthy human, I'll remember this… guuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh" it wasn't even finished when another one impaled it's left leg. And now that it wasn't able to stand, it fell on it's lower back.

"To dare call me filthy when you smell like a rotten corpse." Ned said shaking his head, "You will either tell me what I want, or I will make it hurt even more every time you blabber nonsense"

The demon scoffed at Ned and started yelling hysterically. And Ned knew that he wouldn't get to know any information today from it, still these things take time, and so after a couple tries with no success he went to meet the others, to see if they got any luck.

Yulyas was among them, and he like the others didn't get anything. And so Ned told them to rest until tomorrow.

And then went to his tent to meditate, while keeping his map open.

"Hey Emmy, can you make some sound when an enemy dot appears on the map?" Ned asked her because he wouldn't be able to concentrate on meditating otherwise.

"[Yes]" she replied.

And so his problem was solved.


At another place in the forest, there was a unit who also made a temporary base.

But once they slept, they were sneak attacked by the demons, and couldn't respond until a few people had already died.

This was Amelia's unit. She hastily took her sword and started killing those eyesores.

"Warriors, attack" she yelled at her people, to boost their morals, which worked, as when they knew that their general, a rank 6 was also fighting they were all happy.

One of the people, a rogue that was fighting near Amelia, was struggling with the huge number of demons attacking him. It looked like they were targeting him and if he didn't wake up in time his throat would have been slit.

There were four attacking him at the same time, but there were even more waiting for him until he tires out.

After a while of fighting most demons were killed, but a lot of the people were injured. And one of the injured was the rogue Amelia had chosen to help her.

"Are you okay, Trevor?" Amelia asked him, as she had liked his performance so far quite well.

"Yes, I'm okay, thank you" he replied while holding his left hands that was bleeding a lot. He went and found a place to sit and took a green potion and drank it. Usually low effect potions were blue, and medium effect were green.

What he and Amelia failed to notice however was the reason for this attack. As in a place not far from their camps, a demon with one arm who was walking painfully hid in front of a tree and called using demon language. And after a second a shadow rose from the ground and spoke.

"Is it Done?" it's tone was filled with contempt. And it was clearly superior in rank to the injured demon.

"Yes my lord, I have acquired the blood of the closest male to the human general" the hurt demon said with expectation for it's rewards.

The shadow gave a Nod, and said "Very well, you did good, you will get your rewards later, you may go now."

"Yes my lord" the demon said happily walking away, not caring about the pain. But soon, it found it hard to keep it's eyes open, and when it looked around it had found several shadowy chains that had spurted from the ground and were impaling it in all places. It died soon, not knowing what it did wrong.

"HEHEHEHEHEHE" A creepy laughter was heard after the demon died.

"You filthy dog dare to want rewards from me, heh" the shadow muttered in disgust. After which it started fading away.


The next morning, Ned was feeling refreshed, and he was determined to kill the demon general, so that he can get back and train with the old man. He had felt that fighting in wars wasn't as exciting as when he fought beasts in the forest alone.

And so he had decided that he will go on a journey after training with old man. But now wasn't the time for this.

Once again he headed out with his group, and started hunting the demons. Not even 15 minutes later they had found their enemies.

But with his leadership and power, he had easily dispatched of them quickly, and moved on to the next prey.

Along the way they had went to save other units that were nearby and in danger many times. The problem the other groups were facing was that the demons were able to tame the wild monsters and ride them, and coupled with their numbers they found it hard.

But for Ned that wasn't a problem.

Proven by the situation they were in now, he was fighting multiple, enemies with his sword, while still keeping check if any of his friends were and danger. And if someone was then he sends a timely fireball to help them.

Now everybody in his unit knew that Ned was a twin path as he had used it in multiple occasions, and apart from the first time shock when they saw him use magic they didn't find it weird or anything as some of them did exist.

And so they were doing their best to help him. But the truth was that they wanted to protect him, but since he was the strongest among them, they just chose to help him to the best of their abilities.

Soon they were done with the fight and moved on to the next one. Searching for the demon general in this wide forest.

Ned was dissatisfied with his progress especially since he had a feeling nagging at him that something bad was going to happen unless he stops it. So he vowed that he will get those demons he had caught to talk no matter what.

(A/N: As promised this chapter is much bigger than the earlier ones)