Chapter 44: Who’s Beneath Who

Ned was resting in a tent. His wounds were grave and would normally only heal after three to four days with a high effect potion.

However, since he had the space, he could just sleep the night there and he would be fine by the next morning.

However, he knew that they would be leaving the forest this day, and so he would have to wait until they are inside the wall and then enter the space.

He was still able to walk normally, only his left hand was still broken. All the scratches and burn marks had already healed.

He was thinking of learning some healing magic. As in this fight he saw how inconvenient it was to fight handicapped.

And in the future, he would be journeying alone, and wouldn't have someone to help him if he was injured.

Suddenly someone entered into his tent and broke him out of his reverie.

It was Amelia, Lucy and Yulyas.

"How are you feeling my friend?" Yulyas asked Ned while laughing, as he saw him scrunching up his face from the pain coming from his left hand.

"Are you genuinely asking, or are you just enjoying this?" Ned said with a smile.

"Haha you can't blame me Ray, it's just that the way you are now is vastly different than when we were still fighting" the Tigerman said, and gave a nod.

"Ray, thank you for saving me earlier, if there is anything I can do please tell." Lucy said and bowed her head for a couple seconds, and Ned knew that she was talking about the first time when the demon blended with the shadows and attacked her.

Ned knew that he will face problems in the future with this girl. As he saw that her dot on the map changed to [Like], from friends.

"It's okay, no need to repay me." Ned smiled at her, he didn't mind being friends with her, but anything more and then he would be in trouble.

He had plans to go on an adventure, he couldn't do that if he had a lover. Such thing were best left until he is old enough.

She was happy that Ned was speaking gently with her and even smiled at her.

Next came Amelia's turn, who was holding a tray of food and hesitating about what to say.

"All of you in this room except Amelia, I have grown to trust, therefore I'm going to tell you a secret." Ned said before Amelia could even start.

And like Ned thought even if he said he trusted them, they still took their vows. And even Amelia did while looking ashamed.

"When I first got here and met our general and Lucy, I was disappointed, not at your skill, but at your shallow personality. You get jealous, you despise commoners, and the races." Ned said while looking mainly at Amelia.

"Lucy even though she was the same, she got over it quickly and started treating everybody kindly. But you Amelia, are narrow minded." He said, and held his hand to her, as it appeared she was going to interrupt him.

"Don't bother lying, I know why you didn't want to come meet us when we were attacking the base of the demons. It was because, first you were jealous of me cause I saved everybody that was in danger, with zero deaths, while you had many who died, and second it was because I took the races with me. Even though they are our allies, you in your mind made it sound like those who treat them kindly are demons disguised. Honestly I'm disgusted with that." Ned said while looking down on her.

She although knew he was right, was angry at him insulting her. So she yelled at him " You, a commoner have no right to insult me"

"I'm glad you said that, which brings me to why I told you I will be telling you a secret" he started to sit, since he was lying down, and bowed at Yulyas and Lucy.

Then his face changed to the original. With black hair and brown eyes.

"This is my real face, and my real name is Ned." Once again after finishing he bowed at his friends, but not Amelia.

"So what? You are still a commoner" yelled Amelia.

"Indeed I'm a commoner, and I swear that if I didn't make a promise to your father I would have made you learn some manners by now. Rank 6 or not." Ned said.

"how do you know my father, stop lying."

"Since you talk about commoners over and over again, then let me show you your place" Ned said as brought out two badges.

One of them was golden and had a drawn sword engraved on it and Lucy knew it to be her fathers badge, so she knew that he was right, and she had made a mistake.

But the second badge was what made her loose her calm. It was the same badge as the previous one just purple. Indicating a rank 8.

"Yes it is what you think, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Ned and I'm the disciple of, Yulias Alaster, one of the kingdom's only two rank 8th. Heh now who's beneath the other?" Ned said while looking at Amelia's pale face.

She knew she had made a mistake upon a mistake, and knew that although he said it was her father who said to him to look after her it was probably his master doing a favor to her father. Her father had probably wanted her to befriend him as he saw something in him, but she ruined everything up.

But it was too late to apologize as such Ned said " No need to beat yourself about it, I'm not like you, as such I wouldn't tell your father a thing, I would just say I was hurt in the war. However rumors will still reach the ears of everybody. After all many saw that, but that's your problem. As for me, I don't like you therefore I would request for you to leave my tent." And then got back to lying down and saw that Yulyas didn't like Amelia too. It was understandable, as she practically branded anybody who is good to the races as a demon.

As for Lucy, she looked kind of hurt as even though she didn't like Amelia much, she knew that what Ned said was hurtful a lot.

Once Amelia got out, he turned to Lucy and said "Don't worry, I didn't mean to just hurt her, my words may be sharp, but it is what she needed to hear and I'm sure she will see her wrongs and try to change. Her father himself had said that she is a bit arrogant, and he told me to try to change that if possible, and this was the perfect chance"