Chapter 45: Girls talk

Lucy when she heard that, knew that it was true. She knew that Amelia was the daughter of the guild master of the swordsmen guild.

Although the main guild was in the royal capital, Amelia's father had come with her to the city of wrester to help her if need be in this war.

And she was correct, Ned when he met the old man at the first time he thought that he was the guild master of that small branch, but it turned out that he was the guild master of the main branch.

Lucy replied to Ned as she said, "Alright, I just felt bad for her a bit, but if her father told you to then it's okay Ra-, I mean Ned, also my disgust for the other races, was because of the lecherous gazes they throw at me, no offense Yulyas"

To which Ned just smiled and let out a small chuckle.

And Lucy and Yulyas smiled too.

"We need to prepare for the return trip, I will go try to console Amelia, and then help her with her responsibilities" Lucy said, and then got out.

Yulyas too excused himself but not before thanking Ned once again and once he was heading out he heard Ned say to him "I hope you don't blame her, after all she was a bit too prideful for her own good, she is not a bad person. She just need some guidance"

And Yulyas smiled a bit as he said "Don't worry I can tell that she was just spoiled too much. But she can indeed change"

And then left leaving Ned to contemplate about what he'll get once he enters the space.

He had killed rank four, rank five, and helped kill a rank six. The last one he wasn't sure he'll get rewards for.

But he was sure he'll have made many achievements in this war.

He wanted to enter the space right this moment, but convinced himself to just rest and let the potion do it's thing.

For wounds the potions usually takes about an hour or so.

But if the bones were broken it will take two to three days. However once he entered past the gates of the kingdom. He would find a place where he can hide then enter the space from there.

After which he will sleep there and once healed he will head to the city of wrester running at full speed and catching up to the others if possible.

He saw the tray of food Amelia brought near him, and ate what was on it. Then started to meditate.


Amelia once got out of Ned's tent, went to her own, and closed it, then started to think about what Ned told her, and almost cried.

She was much older than him, at 27 years, as such even if she was sad she won't be crying like a baby.

She thought that what he said was true, she was jealous of him and that had clouded her mind, and it led her to commit a mistake.

Although Ned had killed many demons, and helped all the units but hers, she knew she shouldn't have been jealous of him. They were both humans after all.

And now that she thought about it, she had acted just like a child, whereas she was supposed to be the general. The most prestigious person in a war.

And the hate for the other races, should have been non existent at the current times.

But since she was friends with many noble daughters she was corrupted by them and their disgust to commoners and the other races.

She was shocked at herself once she realized that.

Although she should have realized it soon, since she had fun with the noble girls she didn't think much at the time.

When she was still despairing at her own stupidity, Lucy came and sat beside her, and without saying anything just hugged her.

Amelia seeing this leaned on her as she said, "Do you think Ned hate me now?" with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Lucy shook her head and replied, "He doesn't hate you, and although his words were hurtful, in time you would see that he is right, he wanted to show you the errors of your ways in order for you to be a better person"

"I know." Amelia nodded and then looked at Lucy's eyes, "Do you hate me?"

"Hehe no of course not, although at first I heard many things I didn't like about you, but it was just from rumors, it's not like we met a lot. But I know not to judge a person until I meet them. And you although had made some mistakes I know you can change for the better, and I would like to be your friend." Lucy said with a smile.

And Amelia finally let out a smile, "I would like to be your friend too"


After the girls talk, they were soon organizing the return trip. They wouldn't be staying the night in the forest.

And soon everybody was walking back in the direction of the wall.

Well except Ned. As he was relaxing in a cart, and eating some fruits, the people got from the trees.

He was excited to reach the wall, but he knew that the journey would need a few hours. He however was patient enough.

He had already healed of almost all his wounds, except the broken bone of his left hand.

As it was quite a serious injury, it needed days to heal.

Now he was donning his black shirt and his heavy pants and boots and he was not wearing his helmet. But he had a type of cloth tied around his left arm and shoulder like a sling to stabilize his arm.

And although he was not wearing his helmet, he had his disguised look, of blond hair and blue eyes. As for any sneak attack that could be made on him, he had his map on.

Soon they reached the wall, and Ned was ready to take of.

(A/N: Some people had said that the summary of the novel should be changed because the content of the novel is different than it. Well if you read it carefully, you would notice that this novel is more about adventure, and this whole volume is focusing on Ned's future path. Once Ned finishes his training under his master, the first volume will be up then comes the adventure that I had in mind when I wanted to write this story.)