Chapter 46: Rewards time (1/2)

As soon as they reached the wall and passed it, the guards that were up on the wall, blew a horn, that Ned suspected from the loud voice could reach the whole kingdom. As for the reinforcement that had come before, they were all gone.

Ned got up from the cart he was lying in, and went to Yulyas, and then told him that he will go alone for a while, and then catch up to them if possible.

"Sure thing" Yulyas said to Ned while smiling.

And then after he went and said the same to Lucy who surprisingly was bonding quite well with Amelia. He thought that they must have become friends.

Lucy said okay while Amelia didn't know if he was addressing her too so she just nodded at him while avoiding looking at his eyes.

He didn't pay it much attention and just went alone in the direction of the forest.

Since the warriors had many carts with them, that were used to transport the food needed, they took the paved road by the forest so that the trip can be easy, however though, the downside was that it would be long.

But Ned had it all figured out. He would stay one night in the space, and then the next day he would follow them, since going through the forest will make him reach them fast.

But even if he didn't reach them it was not a problem. The only reason he wanted to go with them was for Lori, who he was sure would be there to receive him.

A couple minutes later he was walking alone and searching for some tall tree to stay on.

After he did, he climbed it to the top, and then he looked in the direction of his friends seeing them going in the direction of the city, then he turned to his back and was momentarily lost once again looking at the majestic grand wall.

Shaking his head he got back to what's important, and with a thought, he willed it and he was inside the space. And although he wanted to check his rewards right now, he was still patient enough.

He needed to first heal himself. Then he will check what he got.

Heading to his house inside the space, he lied down and almost immediately relaxed and drowsed off to his dreams.

While he slept, his broken arm was healing much faster than before, and it would be healed by the next morning.

Once the day was over, Ned was starting to wake up, and took a couple minutes to fully wake up.

Then he took the sling on his left hand, and tried to move it to see if it's fully healed, and it was.

So without wasting time he sat cross legged and brought out the screen in front of him, to see the achievements he reached.

[-Achievement. Killed a demon for the first time.

-Achievement. Killed a rank four, for the first rime.

-Achievement. Killed a rank five, for the first time.

-Achievement. Assisted in the killing of a rank six, while injured.

-Achievement. Fought in a war and had zero casualties in the unit you Led.

-Achievement. Helped other units while still in war.]

He had made so many achievements just like he thought. Too bad he didn't kill the demon general himself.

He had high expectations for the rewards, and was even hoping to find something that can help him breakthrough.

He had already reached peak rank four, and felt like there is something he needs to reach rank five. But since he didn't train like the usual warriors he knew that he didn't need to master his technique.

Shaking his head from the thought, he brought the section of the rewards on the screen.


-Upgrade to the will of the space.(Emmy).

-Upgrade to the map function.

-Water magic.

-Lost magic: ice.

-Healing Light of Aether]

Such were the rewards he got, but he was happy from the first reward he read.

And the map function alone was overly convenient, but now it had an upgrade.

He hurriedly tried to use it, but he was chocked as the moment he tried to, a map had appeared in his mind.

But unlike before, this one was showing him the terrain exactly as it is. It was like a three dimensional map. It was like a mix between the previous map and video function. And he noted that the range has doubled to 2KM.

He was happy and so he used it for a while, trying to see every small thing that was outside in his range.

After a while, he checked the next reward, and it was, the water magic, something he thought would be a bit useless apart from some spells when you master it.

But it was useful in normal situations such as cleaning and such.

The next reward was, the lost magic of ice. He had first thought that this magic would be versatile between the magicians, but it turned out to be a lost magic.

He wondered if he got water magic just so that he can use it's variant form of ice.