Chapter 62: Magic Manipulation

Eline was known as the ice witch, but only her equal enemies knew that space magic was her strongest weapon.

And all of that she had got from this grimoire. Since she was already at the peak of what she can achieve she thought that the grimoire will help Ned decide his future path.

The grimoire itself was a mystery itself. Even to her. When she was young she heard of a similar artifact that was bestowed upon the first blessed human by lady Magic, or otherwise called the goddess Circe The mother of Magic.

When Ned enters the space Eline didn't have any mean by which she can see what he is doing, therefore she waited for him to tell her what he got from this artifact.

On the other side, Ned who was inside the space was covered in a golden shining light that he didn't think would come from an ordinary looking grimoire. And he also felt that his mana was increasing too.

Once the light died down the grimoire was floating gently beside him, and to his surprise he now had almost double the mana he had before and he also found out that he could control the grimoire with a thought.

Getting back to business after enjoying playing with it a bit, he opened it to see what is written there.

He found all his magic that he can use listed there below his name. Since each type of magic had a definition and so he flipped four pages before he found out what he was looking for.

It was the new magic he got along with it's definition.

[Magic Manipulation: can manipulate magic to the extent of your imagination and mana capacity.]

Although at first it sounded like some weak magic Ned was quick to understand it's real strength.

He even had a guess why he got this type of magic, it may have been that he had elemental body so any type of magic he got would be just wasted as he could get it by himself later.

But this magic manipulation, meant that he can control his magic to any shape he wanted no matter the element.

It was the solution to a question he had. Suppose you were against an enemy and you cast a earthen shield. But the enemy turned around it, you would have to dispel the first shield and cast a new one. Meaning you waste time and more importantly waste mana.

But now he could just control the shield to move to where he want it without casting a new one. It would also take mana to control it but it wouldn't reach the same as when you cast a new one, and it wouldn't waste time.

He already had many application he can use it for. He needed to test it to see what limit it has.

He soon remembered that his master must be waiting to know what he got too.

Instead of getting out of the space he messaged her telepathically.

'Master, I have got a new type of magic. It is called Magic Manipulation. I still have not tried it, do you want to see.' He said.

'Of course I would like to see. I have never heard of anyone getting such a magic before.' She said with irritation.

So he got out from the space so that he can show her the magic.

The moment he was out he found Eline in front of him, like she was there from before, but he knew she wasn't due to the map.

"Show me this magic you got." She demanded.

And he opened the grimoire that was floating beside him on the page of the said magic.

But Eline wasn't able to see anything, not even the grimoire itself. She was surprised as this grimoire didn't do that before, sure it did hide things from the other people but she was able to see past that.

"Show me the magic you idiot. Nobody can see anything on the grimoire or the grimoire itself besides you" She told him with an irritated tone. She was annoyed she couldn't see the grimoire, and so she took it out on her disciple.

He let the grimoire float there and concentrated a bit to change his hands into fire element. Then he used his mana to form a fire ball.

She looked at him and wondered what he was doing.

"Show me the new the magic, what is this?" She looked perplexed.

Until he started changing the fire ball into a flaming bird, a tiger, a dragon and so on.

Soon she understood.

"You can manipulate a spell after casting it? Is it just for fire magic?" She asked him.

"Yes, and no it is for all magic that I have" Ned replied with a small smile.

Eline was surprised with this ability. She herself even at the strength she reached, had to use a lot of strength to even change the direction of a spell after firing it. But Ned here was able to not even change direction but change the spell itself.

With enough practice it was possible he may be able to change the power output and even possible to change the element of the spell.

She looked at him playing with the magic making it change into many shapes. She appreciated his love for magic.

"Ned, this gift you have got is priceless I hope you understand what you have got." She told him softly but seriously.

Ned nodded his head as he stooped playing, and replied, "I already know that this magic I got will help me greatly in the future. And I also think that the reason I got it was because I at some point in the future would have all magic at my hand."

She nodded her head, as she too thought that the type of body he has, Elemental body is probably even more priceless than magic manipulation.

She even guessed that if he master the elements, he may be able to do the same, and change a spell, but it would probably not be as easy as with magic manipulation.

"You can go now, I have a clear understanding of the path you should took. Tomorrow I would tell you what your training would be." she concluded as she teleported out into the sky, where she always felt relaxed.