Chapter 63: Duel against Eline

Ned spent the whole night in the space using the new type of magic he got.

He tested many things he had wanted to make sure of. And even if he still wasn't perfectly able to use the ability he thought that soon he'll master it.

Now he had a new method by which he can take his opponents, in a fight, with surprise.

Before the morning came he dedicated two hours to meditation so that he can be at his best when his master starts his training.

Soon the morning came and he got out of the space and instantly his master was beside him.

He muttered to himself weakly, 'can you please not do that?'

And of course his master heard him no matter how small the voice was, she just didn't care.

"I have a plan for you to take in your training now." She said.

"But don't worry, it will not interfere in your adventure. The first thing you need to do is to learn to do a magical battle. Then I would teach you control. It is similar to what that old man thought you in regards to the sword. You need to be able to control how much strength to use. And after that it will be time for your various magic. Starting with elemental body." She added.

He nodded his head indicating that he would follow what she said.

"Good. Now for the magical battle, you need to learn to fight one opponent using singular spells, then many opponents using wide area spells. I had noticed that you use just singular spells and we would work on that." She said and started walking in a direction.

When he looked in the map he found her heading at the direction of many large red dots. Meaning a hostile beast.

Once they were near she stopped and spoke to him.

"As I said, I will not interfere in your adventures. Therefore I will not tell you what to do against this type of beasts."

He nodded his head and observed the beasts.

Even if he had read books about the types of magical beasts, it was obvious there would be many that he didn't know or the books had just their names.

Just like this one. He knew nothing about it. But he can guess it to be some sort of queen due to the smaller other beasts hovering around it. As they were all the same type of beasts.

It looked like a enlarged bee. But it had rather fearsome features with a hard shell like armor surrounding all it's body. And it's size reached almost a meter.

He stepped up and started his attack. He was grateful for his master not spoiling his fight and by extent his sense of adventure. She was using this approach that he liked. Using the properties of beasts he never met to train him.

Once he stepped near them they noticed him and raised their stingers at him and fired at him.

He was met with volley of 30cm blades that he was sure would be able to penetrate him. Not to mention that he wasn't wearing his armor, but just a robe.

And although it was enchanted to withstand blows/magic up to rank 6, his armor can withstand up to rank 7 easily.

Well no use crying over spilt milk. He hastily brought out an earthen shield to guard, before launching small fireballs at the beasts.

He was surprised as his shield barely took any hits before it started to crumble. He quickly raised another one but this time of crystal and it had a beautiful emerald green.

His fireballs too only killed a small number of them, and now many more had come from who knows where to join the fight.

He replayed his master's words in his mind, and reached a conclusion.

He would need to take them out in one move. Or rather in one spell.

He didn't have many spells with a wide area effect and he didn't know the weakness of the beasts.

Taking his chances, he copied a spell that was originally of water element and tried to do it with fire. The concept was the same, and with magic manipulation he was able to do it somehow.

Changing both his hands into fire element, he used a good amount of mana to make a sea of fire, then launched it as a wave in their direction.

But he was stumped when it didn't work as he had guessed it would. It barely killed a small number of them so he realized that fire was not their weakness.

He didn't have time to think as he used his movement technique to dodge the army of stingers coming his way.

Once a good distance away. He thought that he'll use the water element even if he thought it to be weak.

Doing the same with fire, he launched the water wave who he felt could control much easier than fire, at the beasts.

Once it reached them, it practically destroyed them. And from the army of enlarged bees only a few survived including their queen.

But they were all on the ground trying to fly but couldn't due to their torn wings. He finished them using crystal spears, and pocketed their corpses in his inventory.

In a similar way, his master lead him to fight many beasts similar to the bees, similar in that they needed a wide area spell. She thought him some spells to use too.

The whole day passed just kike that with him learning wide area spells.

Once the day almost finished, Eline, his master took him to an open clearing of trees.

"Now, you would learn to fight with someone who can return your spells." She said. And he understood her immediately.

She meant a fight with another mage. And obviously her at this situation.

"Each day after your adventuring, you would come to this place and fight me using magic for an hour, until you can best any other mage." She said.

Her standards were high, but his were even higher. In his heart he added, 'until I can best you'.