Chapter 64: Spatium Clipeum

Ned knew what his master was doing. She was preparing him for a fight against other magicians.

So far he fought against swordsmen, rogues but not against magicians.

And what best opponent to have than probably the strongest mage alive. He got excited all of a sudden.

Of course he will be as he was from another world where magic was a myth. But now he would be in a magicians duel. Something he could have only dreamed about.

And if even if he knew he will get his ass kicked he was still excited to do his best.

So he got ready with his staff.

Since his master was able to tell which element he was changing his hands too, he was at a disadvantage.

However even if she knew, she wouldn't know which spell he was going to use, and he had many ideas he wanted to test against her.

"We don't have all the day boy." She said in irritation. And he wondered why does she always get annoyed quickly.

Still he raised his staff and changed his arms into earth element. As it is the only element where he can use two types of magic without changing his hands into another element.

As crystal magic is a lost type of magic related to earth he can use it when he is using earth magic or vice versa. The only thing was that he didn't know how the crystal spells will fare against his master.

To his knowledge, no person can use magic without a chant. Which is why he was surprised when he was attacked by his master by an ice spell that was chanted silently.

Still there were two small magical circles each surrounding one of her wrists. He guessed that his master had created them to use magic quite easily. He would ask her later.

For now he tried and dodged the ice shards coming his way, but was stumped when they followed him.

Again he knew that nobody can control a spell after it was casted. Another question for his master after the fight.

Staying calm he raised his hands and with it grew a crystal wall from the earth that took most of the shards, while the rest he shattered by his staff.

Not wasting time he stomped his leg on the ground and created a similar crystal storm of shards and threw it at his master.

Not satisfied he repeated the process two times more, and now his master had to deal from the attack from all directions.

This attack itself took a fourth of his mana. But of course it would as he had literally created a storm of crystal shards in three directions.

He watched how his master would take care of that. He wasn't doubting one bit that she would easily take care of the attack.

And indeed she merely raised her hands and muttered, "Spatium Clipeum"

He heard her but didn't understand what she said. And his eyes widened when all his attacks merely collided against some invisible barrier and none was able to pass and following her clenching of hands the barrier expanded and resulted in a shockwave that sent his attack scattered.

and a dozen similar attacks like this he was panting and didn't know what to do.

She smirked at him and raised her hands in his direction and said once again, "Icicle pillar"

And a huge pillar came down from the sky in his direction.

He barely had enough time to think and use what he probably considered his strongest spell so far.

He casted a huge earthen round rock, then changed his hands into fire and surrounded the rock with fire in the shape of an eastern dragon with the rock being it's head, after which he released it at the sky and started directing the flaming rock dragon that was three times his size to the pillar of ice.

Once it made contact the ice shattered but the spell continued flying with its full power.

The combination spell of earth and fire that he had got at first was merely meant to fall from the sky and destroy his enemies. But now using his magic manipulation he was able to move it around.

Still he doubted that the spell can do anything to his master's barrier, and he was even left with one fourth of his original mana.

The spell took two fourths of his mana capacity.

Aiming the flaming rock dragon at his master who was a bit surprised by his display, and then he made it do a faint where he aimed at where the barrier was, only to turn and attack from her back making his master for the first time dodge his attacks.

She jumped to the front avoiding the dragon that was even now following her.

She started chanting a spell, and Ned knew he was in trouble. Soon she was done and the weather surrounding them was getting colder by the second.

His control of the dragon was getting harder and harder while the mana needed to control it was growing by the second.

The spell his master casted was a storm of ice and hail that froze his dragon and then destroyed it, while Ned himself was suffering from the cold.

Until his master stopped the spell, and came to him and touched him releasing him from the cold.

"You are a great fighter Ned. I'll give you that. At first I thought that you would do bad at the duel. But it appears that you are the type to use your mind rather then charge blindly. And your experience probably came from fighting the beasts. However you would still need to learn well. After all from what I saw, a person that is well versed in his magic, a veteran of battle, can easily best you"

Ned nodded and he understood what she was saying. He too had noticed in this fight that all his tactics had simple solutions if the person was smart enough.

But he was too tired right now due to the spells he used.

"I also noticed that your spells waste much more mana than they actually should. This is where control comes. I would say if you were good at controlling how much mana to use, you would still have at the least half of your full mana pool remaining now and you wouldn't end this duel in only half an hour"

Ned was surprised at this. And so he looked forward to the day he would train his control.

[A/N: Spatium clipeum: Latin for spatial shield]