Chapter 2: Crazy is Dangerous Affection


BY Nie


Chapter 2

Crazy is Dangerous Affection


"Are you crazy? that's dangerous!"


"Are you crazy? that's dangerous!" Enra grabbed him.

"Not if you catch me before the grounds did." the blond busying himself with something.

they are currently inside an old building located at the seashore. near the restaurant where they just have their dinner together, also a crime scene. Enra doesn't want to be here at first, today is her day off, if she involved or interfere with any cases her Chief will more likely do worse than punched her. but, this man, that sadist-blond said he will catch the killer for her and run as fast as he could to this place, of course, Enra can't leave him alone; she may have to bring justice to the killer, but this innocent people safety is also number one. thus, she followed him.

Enra still grabbed him. the blond is trying to climb the huge chain wall that protects the old building.

"Shortie, if you hold me too long I may fall for you," he added with a flirtatious tone as he blinks to her from above.

Enra gripped his trousers and snapped right at him, "then fall! if you fall, I will catch you!"

the sadist-blond snickered with a sadist tone. "you are the crazy one here, a shortie like you will only get stomped by a big guy like me."

Enra pissed and pinched his legs making the man ouch-ed in pain. "Yeah? try it then, get down here and I will let you stomped at me. let's see who is the craziest between us."

the blond laughed.

Enra was still pissed when she noticed there is a small hole at the corner. it looked fit to her body. well, now she is pissed more than before.

"Sadist, I found a hole here. If I crouch to cross the hole I might get inside and open the gate for you."

"is that your way to admit you ARE short--" he followed with another Ouch-ed and obeyed to retreat. "you are the real sadist..."

after making sure the blond won't climb if she can get inside via the hole, Enra crouched down and enter the hole. she takes a careful pace as it was dark inside. finally, she reaches the end and got out of the hole. she finds herself inside a room, which there are only cardboards inside. she opened the door and get to the outside. she finds the gate is closed as she rattling the chain who tied at the gate. the chain is all rusty thus easy to pierce. as the chain already removed, she pushes the gate to the side, revealing the blond man who waited for her.

"Not bad."

"See, let's go back. this is only forgotten building-- Hey!" she followed the blond who already take a step far from her. "why we here? this is not safe and there is no evidence if-- mmph!"

now, her mouth suddenly closed with his palm. he quickly grabbed around her and pulled her to the side and somehow a faint sound could be heard from inside the building. they still not entered the building as they are at a stiff position near the door.

the voice somewhat getting louder and louder and became clear. it was a man voice which he still on phone with somebody. busy chatting or dealing?

"... don't forget, I'm still chased by the police... Yeah, yeah, understood. just be sure to send down the payment for me... ha, my job is clean without a trace. those fools officer won't find out this place..." the voice getting faint as the man looked already walked away from their spot.

Enra pissed tripled today, the blond release her. "what was he said!? I will beat him today!" thus she stormed inside but stopped by the blond.

"the only one will get beaten is you! he is right, you are a fool."

"You wanted to fight here, hm?"

"Not yet, we should make sure the killer is himself alone and prepared the worse scenario if there is another his subordinates inside. what would you do if you are caught? think about your safety before getting emotional."

ugh, Enra admits he is right. the blond looked seriously want to help her as he wary at the environment inside and alert her to move as they are no one inside.

they sneak inside and make their way downstairs. this old building contains nothing but old-worn and rusty furniture. they arrived at the base somehow there are two rooms.

"wait. Let's head to the left one."

"why you choose the left one?"

"just random." the blond didn't pay heed to the frowned girl beside him, he entered the left one with ease.

surely, there is no one inside as the room filled with only a bed and a table. above the table, there is a bag with money and some bullet scattered.

"This..." this is quite a proof from the killer. certainly, this is must be the missing money from the restaurant.

"not only that, here." the blond pointed to the wall. there is a map paper attached to the wall. the map contains red marks all over the place. one of them is the restaurant where the crime scene just now. "the restaurant where we ate dinner."

"the park, museum... wait, hold on, I think I recalled something."

yes, this is a serial killer of an evil syndicate. a newly found organization. the park, museum, the restaurant, and other places were the place where there is a murder. yes, none other than the Night Triangle. a group of murderers and serial-killer. they recently committed crimes. now they barely active again. the killer from the restaurant case was one of them.

Enra quickly whispered to him, "Night Triangle. this is dangerous, we should go back."

"And let that traitor on loose? is that your way to bring justice?"

"N-no... but you, your safety!"

rattle and a footstep coming. looks like someone outside approaching this room. crap, there is nowhere to hide. they turned together, Timothy held her again and quickly hide behind at the door side. they held their breath as they don't want to be found out quickly.

the person outside didn't open the door yet a phone ringing, suddenly vibrated again and the person answers the phone again.

"what? I told you, that the target should be taken next week if we move hastily the police will notice thus our hideout will be found out."

the door opened!

the person coming inside, they can't move anywhere as they are located at the base ground, which there are no windows inside. Enra panic inside, what should she do? she is the officer here yet she can't protect an innocent person.

much to her shocked, the blond whom she familiar at, rush to the killer and attack from behind. he swiftly yanked him to the ground and secured his phone, then with ease, he muffled the killer with a hit behind his neck. with that speed, the killer didn't reacted fast thus succumb to defeat. now lying on the floor.

"Phew, weak," he muttered.

"Wha-- hey! you are crazy! that was dangerous!" Enra comes approached him.

the blond snickered to her, "yeah, but I won." he turned to the killer and take something under the killer's coat. a pistol.

"put that down!"

"Not yet. this is not finished."

right after he said that they hear footsteps from the stairs. looks like the killer's colleagues have arrived.

"This is crazy."

"Here." the blond gives her the pistol he just takes, the pistols already loaded full with bullets inside. this is a simple and small pistol, as there are only 15 bullets. "you know how to use them, right? listen, you will get out from here and called your subordinates quickly. don't look back, I can hold them here alone." he walked towards the table and take the bag as well as the person with ease as if they don't weigh much.

Enra jaw-dropped at him, "I forgot, you are the crazy one here."


the people outside arrived at the base when suddenly a bag threw straight to them. making them screamed and groaned in pain, the bag is heavy with money inside. trying to get up and observe the situation, this time a body was thrown straight to them. they fell again for the second time.

Enra quickly ran ahead of them, stomping the big pack guy as she heading upstairs. this feels good when she stomped them. she should try to stomp that crazy blond guy sometimes.

She runs toward the place filled with enough signal for her phone. she takes out her phone then swaps the screen, zero, the signal still nowhere as she ran to the outside.

arriving at the gate belongs to, she looked again to her phone, one! yes, this will--

She shrank her pupils when something showed beside her without her notice. she quickly yanked to the side to avoid something.


the sound of a hammer crushing where she is standing just now. if she late, her head might be ended like the crushed grounds below.

there is another left one outside. she pointed the gun toward him.

"Don't move or I will pull the trigger!"

the big man ahead laughs hoarsely, "heh heh, you are fools coming to this place alone. don't you know with who you dealing with?"

Enra mumbled, "Night Triangle," she wanted to say; she is coming here with a crazy-sadistic blond, but this will be blown their cover.

The man stopped laugh and stormed toward her, "die!" slashing his hammer way around.

she ready to pull the trigger when suddenly a flying object comes to her sight, she saw a body launched toward the man and hit him hard until he crashed to the gates along with the flying body.

Enra turned to the source who throw the poor body, it was him.

"Timothy!" she approached him and take a closer look. although the blond man was smiling outside his both hands full of blood and wounds. "you are wounded!"

"just a scratch," he replied with a stiffened smile and grim tone. he resumed, "call your subordinates here." thus, she quickly makes a call toward the nearest office.

they standing side by side outside the gate. they already secured the killer group as they are tied and chained inside. all of them were in the state of unconscious. that would easily to take them.

Enra turned toward the blond, there are so many questions toward him. the blond sits down at the ground while lowered his head.

did he finally scared? his wound looks bad, is he fine? why he helped her? how did he beat all the man on the ground floor just now in a flash? Is this the Timothy she once knew?

she realized although they may get along today, she still not quite recognized him. thus, she tried to talk to him.

"Hey, sadist..."

the man only hm-ed her.

"You okay?"


"you know, normally according to my job related; I have to interrogate you as you have been involved in this case."

"then ask anyway, I will answer them."

"Is that so? with honest?"

"Yes, with honest."

aww, the man who always mocked her, teased her, flirted her; now looked very tamed as well as obeyed her.

Enra humming. "Just kidding. I will let you go."

the man turned to her, although he gazes at her, she can't see his expression since it's dark and there is only an old lamp above them.

"Why? What if I'm a suspicious person to you? what if I'm one of them when I ran to this place and trying to lure you? don't you feel any suspicious?"

"Ha! if you do that I will laugh; you are my savior as well as my closest acquaintance. today you saved me again, I owe you. just take this as my payment."

"... you are crazy." he chuckled and stand up. "no taking back your words?"

"No and no, I don't want to hear that from the craziest person like you. when something like this happens again, don't do this in the future."

that reminds her, aren't his clothes dirty because of the fight? she turned around as she wanted to ask, "Hey, tomorrow I will also buy you a clothe--"

but no one beside her.


at the same time, two lights approached as the siren car coming along the way. the light shines, but nothing beside her. as if the darkness had consumed her friend. the police had arrived and approaching her as they soon began to secured the whole places and the killers inside.

he is gone while she was looking at the darkened path beside her.


as expected, she will not get out easily. after being chewed for two hours straight at midnight, inside her Chief Office. she confined in Chief's private residence. similar to being jailed.

"wow, you like watch this movie? me too!" she tries to lift the grump mood of her chief. "can we watch this?" she showed him the children movies.

"No, you rest, now." was his answer with a firm tone.

"Chief Evans..." she pouted.

"Stop calling me that, we are outside the office."

Enra apparently being held at his house, located far from the city, in the green forest. a nice place to take a rest. Evans Benigvy is her not-blood-related brother. this is a top-secret relationship between them as they don't want people found out. they called this as a troublesome bond.

"Jeez, I coincidentally help this case, find the Night Triangle gangs and this is how you pay me."

"said no more. you know how dangerous the situation if you move alone."

"I told you, I'm not alone. I'm doing my job there, protecting an innocent person while he lost thus I helped him. but, to much surprise, I found the killers. thus with my utmost ability, I take them down one by one." she lied. this is not the whole story is. this will be trouble if she described the truth and Timothy as she doesn't want to burden him any longer. she also promised him to not take back her words.

"You lied." crap, how sharp her chief/brother is?

"What the proof?"

"you are short, and that's enough to explain; you are not the one who beat them. they all fainted with many bruises and wounds on their upper body. someone with a taller height might do it,"

Enra shifted her eyes and gulped. she can't pissed when being called short by her chief/brother. someone who already cares about her being from a child.

"Who is it?"

Evans takes a step toward her. "Who is this lost guy?" pressing the question.

Ugh. whatever.

Enra grabbed his sleeve as she whined toward him, "Brother, he is my boyfriend!"


her brother seemed shocked, but she also surprised by herself.

what. did. she. just. say??

To Be Continued.