Kojou had instinctively ran all the way to the roof, his body and familiars refused to calm down, they warned him that whoever that Argus was he was a clear threat to him. Natsuki had followed him as soon as he left the classroom in clear fear, she opened the door and walked up to Kojou and asked" What is wrong with you? What happened back there?"
Kojou's body slowly stopped shaking and he turned to her and said" That boy is a monster hiding in sheep clothing, as soon as we shook hands, My body screamed at me to run and so I did. My powers feel weaker than they were before, I have no idea what sort of creature he is but I have never reacted this strongly to a simple touch before. My familiars demanded I leave before I got killed, this is the first time many of them even acknowledged my existence. Trust me this is bad.."
Natsuki looked at him with a confused expression on her face, she then asked" Are you sure? His transfer papers said he was Human and they were given to the school by the government of Austria, if they are false then it means he has the power to sway an entire country to his will and if that is the case, we may already be doomed."
Kojou sighed and turned back towards the school building before saying" Please keep an eye on him, I have a feeling that he has plans for the island and that we may not like them going forwards.If he already know I'm the fourth progenitor then he may have decided to come here to kill me before I gain enough power to challenge him. If this is all a coincidence then he is still an extremely powerful beast that has arrived at our front door and he must be watched."
Natsuki smacked him on the back and said" That much is obvious, I will contact someone to keep an eye on him going forwards, if he is here for you at least we know what his end goal will be. If he isn't here for you then we are in much deeper trouble then I think we can handle."
Argus had been hiding on the other side of the wall and listening to their conversation as it developed, he felt like he had made a too strong of an impression too quickly and this was a fatal error on his part.
When he thought their conversation was over he opened his phone and called the councillor who had been fucking with him, the number hung up three times before Argus sent it a text saying" Your assassin failed and I'm now going to school with your daughter, I suggest you pick up the fucking phone."
The phone rung instantly and Argus walked out onto the roof, a gruff voice spoke first" Listen here you son of a bitch, if anything happens to Asagi I will make sure you die an extremely painful death."
Argus made sure that Natsuki and Kojou were close enough to hear him when he responded with" Listen here councillor, I had nothing against you until you conned me out of my money and attempted to have me killed this morning. I have no reason to hurt Asagi however you on the other hand I have a ton of reasons to do that, we will be meeting tonight at your house. I will kill anyone connected to you if you try any funny shit again this time."
He then hung up the phone and turned around and began acting shocked, "Miss Natsuki, Kojou? What are you two doing here? I hope you didn't hear any of that, you see I'm having trouble with Asagi's father as he seems to hate vampires from Austria even though I'm nothing but a weak breed. Kojou on the other hand is quite strong right? I can sense your overwhelming power from here, I would like to apologise if some of my strength came out when we shook hands earlier I was just surprised that the legendary fourth progenitor went to the same school as me. I should probably get back to class as I'm behind enough as it is after just transferring in. I will let the history teacher know that you are with Natsuki, Kojou. "
Argus then left and Natsuki turned to Kojou and said" Well we know his motivation, he appears to be using Asagi as a hostage against her father who appears to be targeting him. We don't have the full story but for now it makes sense. I will keep Asagi safe, we still should have him followed to be safe"
"Hope they bought that shit, time to go and get some food I guess" Argus then departed towards the canteen, when he arrived he saw Asagi and a group of her friends sitting on a table on the far side of the canteen.
He walked to the queue and bought a sandwich for lunch before walking towards Asagi and her friends, when he arrived at the table he smiled and said" I hope there is room for one more at the table filled with beautys."
The girls all blushed beofre one got up and said"You can have my seat"
Argus thanked her and sat down, he then caught the girls by surprise as he sat the girl who offered him her seat on his lap. He simply brushed it off with"can't let the polite one stand for the entire lunch period."
He stayed and chatted with the girls for the entire lunch break, he often caught Asagi glimpsing at him and quickly looking away which caused him to smile.
On the way back to the classroom he linked arms with Asagi which caused her to blush massively, he smiled and said" This is revenge for sneaking peeks at me the entirety of lunch without saying anything. If you are going to act cute then I'm going to tease you."
Asagi tried to break free before saying"Why are you teasing me like this? You know people will get the wrong impression if you do this right?"
Argus laughed and said" I love your reactions as well as how cute you act, stop trying to wiggle free or I will step up the teasing to the next level. I'm warning you, luckily for you we made it to class, until next time my lady."
He then gently took her and lightly kissed the back of it before going back to his seat.
The rest of the school day went on as a normal day would, when it was time to leave however a ruckus was started. There were two black limousines waiting at the front of the school, one was guarded by two men in black suits, they looked like typical bodyguards while the other had a maid waiting out the front of it.
The maid had long flowing blonde hair and Argus knew who it was straight away, it was Ayaka, it seems she decided to take her new role seriously which made Argus laugh.
Argus made his way down to the gates of the school and to the surprise of both him and those around him an old man got out of the black limo with guards and said" I have come to pick you and my daughter up, get in the car. We are only going to ask nicely once."
Argus laughed at the old man and turned to Ayaka and said" A limo really? I can see why you activated pride I guess, let's get going, I need to get changed before I visit this old man who thinks he can challenge someone like me."