A visit.

Argus closed the distance between himself and Ayaka and moved right next her ear and whispered" Your answer dear? I do not have all day. I fear you have made me late enough as it is, servant or death, pick one." Ayaka slowly moved her shirt and jacket to show her neck to Argus who became overcome with the desire to drain her dry.

As he took a took a bite out of her neck, Ayaka let out a slight moan, he lightly cupped her cheek and whispered" My dear you will have to stop moaning like that or you are going to give me the wrong ideas, I will be taking your blood whenever I need it. You will pose as my servant from now on however I will pay you for your service and you are welcome to stay with me in the mansion."

He then continued to drink and to the surprise of Ayaka, his arm began to re-attach itself as he drank.

When his arm was finished Argus turned Ayaka's face back towards him and gave her a light kiss on the forehead before whispering"I have to go to school now. You will drive me there and then go and get a costume more suited to your new role. Here is a platinum credit card, you can buy whatever you want with this. Pick and decorate a room in the manor for yourself and get me a new fucking bed. That shit left my back in bits and that cost me an arm."

Ayaka looked and Argus in disbelief and said in a concerned tone" Why are you trusting me? I tried to kill you literally 5 minutes ago. What is wrong with you? I could take this card and leave this island forever. I have no idea what you are possibly thinking about."

Argus said gently "When I drank your blood I lightly infected you with vampirism and you will slowly change into a vampire from my clan. Now you will not be able to understand the changes that will happen to you if you leave and more importantly sucking your blood unlocked Pride for me who apparently would rather see you dead than let you leave."Argus clicked his fingers and a towering Samurai with a large katana appeared next to him.

"Now as to what I'm thinking about, it is your lovely curved body dressed in a maid's costume, the way your long flowing hair would look with it. My dear what is on my mind, I can't fathom and I don't expect you too either, just never betray me and I will treat as one of my own. Now I really have to get to school so get in the car"

Ayaka got in the car and drove Argus to the school, the trip was silent and they quickly arrived at the school where Ayaka got out of the car first and opened the door for Argus. Argus simply said "Thank you, remember to do as I instructed earlier. You can buy whatever you want for food but I do expect you to make food for me going forwards even if I don't really need it. Have a good day"

Before he left he lightly kissed her forehead again which caused a tiny amount of blush to appear on Ayaka's cheeks.

Argus laughed at this and moved through the gates of the school and towards the main entrance for the high school block. As he walked, what appeared to be a small girl said "You there, why are you late? What class are you in? Do you know how serious it is to miss classes?"

Argus turned around and quickly replied with" The middle school area is over there aren't you late to your classes too? Why stay here and lecture me when you are in the same boat?"

This seemed to enrage the small girl as she erupted and screamed" I AM A TEACHER IN THIS SCHOOL AND I TEACH ENGLISH. What class are you in? I will report this transgression to the principal immediately."

Argus ignored the anger in her eyes and said" A teacher huh? This island is as weird as I expected, anyways I'm new to the school and I should be in classroom, what was it called...."

"Oh wait are you the transfer student the principal made a big fuss about this morning? The Austrian named Argus, no surname?"

Argus smiled and slightly bowed towards the girl"Ah that is me, sorry again about the height thing, it wasn't on purpose, I'm not used to socialising, I used to be a part a secluded temple in the alps, may we start again, miss?"

The girl nodded her head and said" The name is Natsuki and I happen to be teaching your class next, follow me and I will introduce you to your classmates for the next two years." Argus nodded his head and gracefully moved out of the way so Natsuki could lead him too the classroom, when they arrived Natsuki told Argus to wait for a few seconds so that she could get the class ready so that he could introduce himself.

Argus waited patiently then the entire classroom went silent and Natsuki told him to enter the room. As he walked in he quickly and subtly glanced around the room and he was extremely happy when he saw the two people he wanted to meet as soon as possible but for entirely different reasons The first was his scapegoat Kojou Akatsuki while the second was someone of interest for many reasons Asagi Aiba.

Asagi was the daughter of the councilman that had fucked Argus over regarding the mansion and the one who had sent a shrine maiden to kill him in the morning. However Asagi herself was also of interest due to her reputation as a hacker and her beauty.

Argus confidently strode to the centre of the teaching podium and turned to Natsuki and slightly bowed and said"Thanks for taking the time to bring me to class, now then my name is Argus and I have no surname. This is because the monks I lived with in Austria did not believe in anything more than a forename so I guess I will get the surname of whoever I end up marrying."

He deliberately made eye contact with Asagi who looked down and blushed which made Motoki nudge Kojou and whisper "It looks like someone will try and steal Asagi from you, don't regret ignoring her feelings."

Kojou just sighed and said"We don't have that sort of relationship, he is welcome to her I guess."

Motoki just shrugged his shoulders and turned around, while this little back and forth was going on Natsuki assigned the seat at the back of the classroom to Argus who made his way back there. as he got close to Asagi's desk she looked up and he flashed her a quick smile as he walked past which made her look down again and him laugh a little.

When he arrived at his seat he turned to Kojou and said"It seems we will be sitting next to one another, I hope we can get along."

Argus then reached out to shake Kojou's hand which they did for a second until innate fear gripped Kojou and he let go of the Argus' hand and walked out of the room. On the outside Argus played the role of a confused student, he turned to Motoki and said" Was it something I said? if it is I thoroughly apologise."

While on the inside Argus was laughing, almost manically, he had used a little bit of the strength he had and it had caused Kojou to flee. He saw that as the first of many upcoming victories...