
"The island was quiet as I departed the boat, today is the day my rise to power begins. You may wonder why I selected this island as the base if my operations? Well that is because the fourth progenitor is also here and is a known threat while I have been yet to be discovered, this means some of my actions may be seen as his actions through the eyes of his observers which will give me a free pass to get shit started. Poor Kojou, he has no idea what has just arrived on the island, I better get ready to sleep and that means going to my accommodation on this island."

"I decided that after inheriting my powers, I would throw away my hermit life style from before and enjoy my life before I seize power and as such have bought a mansion on this island. You maybe wondering how an ex-monk can afford a mansion but trust me you don't want to here that story before I kill you. Sorry little demon but picking a fight with me was your mistake."

Argus snapped his fingers and a scantily dressed woman appeared next to him, he smiled before saying"Lust, make sure he enjoys his death, I'm not a cruel killer, we don't need his blood and he is way too weak to convert to a vampire." Argus walked away as the sound of sex rung out behind him, he walked at a slightly quicker place back onto the main road where bumped shoulders with a young man around his age wearing a hoodie who was moving quickly.

Argus walked past the youth and said"The need to drink is overpowering isn't progenitor?"

The hooded man looked around in clear panic however the street around him was empty. By the time the youth had decided to move on Argus had arrived at his new home, the mansion in front of him looked like a new build with fresh paint still covering the front of the building.

Argus entered the building and the first thing he noticed was that the entire thing was empty, annoyed he moved around the house but to his extreme anger the only piece of furniture was a cheap bed that had been put in the master bedroom. Argus put his hand through the wall in rage and snarled"That old bastard conned me out of 3 million dollars, fucking Councillor. I can't wait until tomorrow when I start going to school with his daughter, that should teach that bastard to con a 'religious' man."

Fuelled by anger Argus began to plan his first moves to gain power on the island, he knew he would need a loyal army of vampires to seize and power through force however he could also convert key members of the political factions and seize the power through diplomatic means instead. While he was considering these things he began to rest his body and fell asleep.

His body clock woke him at 7:30am like it always had and he got dressed in his new school academy, that of the Saikai Academy and walked to the car that was eerily waiting in front of the gates to his house. Inside the car was a woman dressed in a shrine maiden garb and she made it clear to Argus that she had a weapon as he approached the car. When he got closer to the car, she opened the door and approached him with her sword drown, she closed the distance between the two quickly and cut his arm clean off.

"Miss may I at least know why I'm being attacked and why you saw it fit to remove my arm? You know its painful to regrow one of those, especially when I need it in 30 minutes before I get to my new school" The woman didn't respond and instead launched herself at Argus again. this time with more conviction, it appeared as if she had decided to kill him.

This time however Argus caught the incoming blade with his and snapped it off its hilt. He then grabbed the woman by the throat and smiled. He then asked" Again your name, It is too early to feed greed however he does enjoy eating woman every now and again. You have five seconds to start talking". The woman began to choke so Argus threw her against the car and clicked his right hand and a giant green blob appeared next to him.

The blob smiled and looked at Argus and said" Master, she dinner?"

Argus nodded his head and dragged the woman off of the car before saying"This is my car now, Greed here will keep you occupied, you should have just told me your name."

The woman regained the ability to crawl; and slowly made her towards Argus before saying"My name is Ayaka Shiro and I was informed by a Council member that a strong and potentially dangerous vampire was living in this house. The organisation told me to execute you before you met the fourth progenitor"

"See that wasn't so hard, Greed you get the next one sorry." Greed sighed as Argus withdrew it from the scene. He then walked up to the maiden before saying" I now consider you my blood servant, if you don't want this role, I can kill you right here. The choice is yours my dear."

"Blood servant? What type of vampire are you? It can't be, you not a new progenitor are you?" Argus just laughed and said" Spoilers"