Create a character/Kingdom or Organisation!

As a thank you fr reaching over 300 people adding the story to their library, I would like to present a way for the reader to directly influence some events and as such have designed templates for you to use to add kingdoms, characters and organisations to the world. This will fill in the blanks that the original leaves for most of the world as well as giving you the reader a chance to add to the collective world I'm making. Please note that things you make will be added to the story when they make the most sense to do so, not randomly ^_^


Name: Argus

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire

Rank/Class (E.g Fledgling Vampire, Rookie mage, Noble Vampire..): Progenitor

Magic user/Magic affinity? (E.g Fire mage): Vamperic Summoning/death


Supernatural speed

Supernatural Strength

Supernatural regeneration

God like instincts:

Vamperic Soul eater:

Bringer of Balance:

( Create Specialist skills for your character, E.g Control of bats and Beastly Rage)


Soul Assimilation: Can merge the souls of your kills intpo your own giving you access to their skills and abilities. (Soul eater+Bringer of Balance).

(Merge your characters skills to create something unique! E.G Bats Rampage: Bats under your control become 300x harder to kill and deal extra damage when this ability is active.)


A humble monk before he drowned in bool of acient blood, he then became natures answer to the growing threat of mankind.

Country/Organisation Affinity (Only applicable if you are making a kingdom/Organisation or using one that already exists in the lore):

His only affiliation is too himself and those he considers his subjects, currently working for the kingdom of Austria however he is doing it for reasons other than his loyality to the crown.

Blank template for you to use (Note those not in the format below will not be used, leave any areas blank you would like me to fill in. The reason it needs to be in this format is so that I can copy and past it into a document I have with all of my characters in it :) )





Rank/Class (E.g Fledgling Vampire, Rookie mage, Noble Vampire..):

Magic user/Magic affinity? (E.g Fire mage):


( Create Specialist skills for your character, E.g Control of bats and Beastly Rage)


(Merge your characters skills to create something unique! E.G Bats Rampage: Bats under your control become 300x harder to kill and deal extra damage when this ability is active.)


Country/Organisation Affinity (Only applicable if you are making a kingdom/Organisation or using one that already exists in the lore): His only affiliation is too himself and those he considers his subjects.



Primary Race (Main race in charge);

Other races present:


Focus (Military, economy etc):

Armed forces speciality (E.g mages, heavy troops etc):

Diplomatic Focus (Alliance building, aggressive etc):

Economy Focus (Import, export, taxes):

Government type (Republic, monarchy, autocracy etc):

Leader Title:

State religion (doesn't have to have one):

General information:

Organisation Template:


Primary Race (Main race in charge);

Other races present:


Focus (Military, economy etc):

Reasons for existing:


How is it run? (E.g Council, Dictator):

Leader Title:

Religion? (doesn't have to have one):

General information: