Aftermath of the battle

"Reinhard!" I hear my father from a far away maybe not.

But it doesn't matter I am sure he would be disgusted and shocked to see his son covered with blood all over his body.

Wondering what kind of monster I am? And start creating a distance between us.

But I don't regret my decision for saving everybody with the price of ending my childhood.

even though it's still deeply painful to my heart.

Father is already standing in front of me as I excepted him to question me.

"Sorry, Reinhard" my father on my shoulder.

"Sorry I couldn't protect you and mom properly". he hugs me tight.

The pain in my heart start to leak out and tears fall on my cheek.

"If I were more strong or prepared for a situation like this I wouldn't have put you in a situation like this".


his words hitting me in an unexpected spot I excepted him to reject and question me but his understanding and loving approach break all the defenses in my heart.

"Aren't you scared of me? I just slaughtered an army by myself".

"Why would I be scared of you?" He looks at me.

"You are the savior of my life, unless you were interfering I would be dead by now"

Tears fall on my cheeks mm.

While in another place

"Are you telling me they all have perished?!!" the air around him became heavy his subordinates troubled with fear.

in the headquarters of the fallen angels, there was someone who was upset hearing the failure of his plan.

that name is Kokabiel, he is one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels.

Kokabiel has the appearance of a man with long black hair and red eyes, and unlike other Fallen Angels, Kokabiel has pointy ears. Kokabiel possesses five pairs of black wings.

He currently seats at his table just received the report of the assassination of James Astrea had just failed.

"Hhh!!" he punches the desk with extreme anger phakk the desk shattered to pieces.

"Kokabiel-sama please calm down at this rate you will arise suspicions about your involvement in the attack," says one of his highest-ranked subordinates, Robiel.

the air pressure vanished and the fear of his subordinates clam down.

"you are right, I am the superior of Beliel so I would have to report the cause of his death I can't let my involvement in the Attack be discovered ".

"well, I have an excellent idea".

"yeah tell me then".

"Okay," he comes closer and whispers in his ear the plan.

Kokabiel face is changed as Robiel told him his plan in secret.

"can you do this?"

"of course" reply Robiel and bow for his commander.

Kokabiel's mode changed as he smiles with Happyness and satisfaction

"excellent execute your plan right away, you would leave all this to you".

"as you wish". Robiel says and steps out of the room.


"Yes," the nearly fallen angel stands for his superior command.

"I want you all to investigate the cause why the assassination of James Astrea failed"

"Yeah, sir!" He answers and gets out of the room starting to command.

While in another place in the underworld

A man with crimson hair seat on his chair doing his works as Maou.

his name is Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly known as Sirzechs Gremory also

Known as the Crimson Satan, he is the leader of the Four Great Satans who ruled the Underworld with the title of "Lucifer".

Sirzechs-sama I have a report white-haired woman with maid uniform.

She was his wife and queen her name is Grayfia Lucifuge.

"What is it Grayfia?"

"Someone tried a few hours ago to assassin James Astrea and his family in an amusement park, the assassins were over eighty including high ranked being to obtain the only sacred sword in the world, Curtana".

"What?" The crimson-haired Maou has been shaken, the try to assassinate a single human wouldn't have bothered him at all and even if James Astrea has been dead for some reason he wouldn't care much but if the assassination had been carried to steal that sword it would change the whole story.

That sword is the only sacred sword created by the god of the Bible and with its unfathomable power can match the full power of one of the three factions.

In order to keep the balance of the three factions also keeping away other mythologies factions to steal it, it's existence has been kept top secret only known to the top leader of the three factions.

Also, this sword weld special meaning for the angels even more than Excalibur so if someone would steal it, a war could break up again.

So someone is trying to start the great war again, Grayfia do we know the identity of the Attackers?

No, we were unable to determine their identity.

Is that so. We don't know their identity it makes it really complicated because we can't stop them.

They might be fallen angels or devils from the old Satan faction who are unsatisfied with the ceasefire of the great warrior even some fourth side force who want to weaken us.

"Grayfia investigate the Attackers identity".

"Yes, Sirzechs-sama".

"Also what happened to James Astrea and his family?"

"They are all fine but all their guards have been killed".

"What?" It is the second time he was surprised today.

"Yeah, the attack happened in an amusement park for his child's birthday so he lessens the number of guards guarding them, as a result, the attackers killed all guards and put barrier to separate the amusement from the rest of the world and used the visitors as their hostages to weaken him".

"Indeed smart move". After all, fighting James Astrea face on is the same as facing Me or Michael.

"But he won right?"

"Yeah, but it seems it isn't the whole story".

"What do you mean?"

"At the end, when he took his family back home he seems to try to conceal his son so much that no one had seen him leave".

"Indeed it is suspicious but not so much to be concerned about".

"Yeah you're right it may be only he didn't want to have more chance that someone will try to hurt his son again but I have feeling something off",

" Please forgive me for my rudeness". she apologizes.

"Don't worry I trust your intuition, investigate the attacker's identity along with James Asrea's child".

"All right then I would be leaving now".

Grayfia leaves the room and Sirzechs look behind the window.

It seems like the winds are changing pointing on great change going to happen in the world.

* hey people I hope you enjoyed the chapter, it has been long time since the last time I posted new chapter and I feel like I improved a little.

I must say I really thank you all for your support it really warms my heart 😊

about the patreons I working very hard to make some extra chapters you could access by subscribing to one of the tiers .

I would announce when the extra chapters would be uploaded in the previous chapter comments

, I expect I would finish it intel next Saturday.

the maximum amount of extra chapters would be 3.

see you intel next time 😜*