revealing the truth

I enter the room I see my mother seat on the left side of the table while my father stands at the head of the table looks at me.

"We need to talk Reinhard". he says.

I expected it to happen even though my father showed me some acceptance there is no way my mother would do the same so simply after seeing her little angel fighting like a beast bathing enemy's blood.

"What do you want to know?"

"How were you able to take that number of fallen angels? Each one of them is an enemy human would have to go through intense training to fight each much more to fight and kill so much of them".

I breathe deeply and start to spout out the truth.

"From the day I was born, I had blessings that protect me such as I get stronger when I standing under the blue sky, rainy sky, night sky, and when I bleeding, any projectile is thrown against me automatically changes their trajectory making me unable to get hit by projectiles, I cannot get ambushed and the first attack will always miss unless I willingly take the hit, the following attacks will---

"Wait" father stop me he and mother and the maids in the room were speechless trying to keep up with what I say.

"What do you mean by blessing? Who blessed you with those powers? Which God or angel did bless you?"

*The blessing I have called Divine Protection isn't originated from any God from any mythologies but rather from the world itself".

"By the world itself? What is that?"

"As you heard it the will of the world or the universe"

" it is completely different from Gods like Gaia who represent earth but rather the will representing everything in existence".

"don't be confused with the God of creation who is absolutely everything either it exist or not but rather independent will of his creation".

the parents were shocked thinking I have gone crazy still don't understand the nature of my divine protection so I give them example to compare to.

You could compare My divine protections to the power all Gods, angels, devils and all other supernatural creatures have since birth.

"But how-- "my mother burst In a question

I wave my hand telling her to stop

"I don't know more than this so there is no meaning to ask more".

Mother stepped down while my father stepped forth asking me

"And the confirmation of the said blessing could you test it right here right now?"

"Of course", I walk to the dining table taking a knife and throwing it toward father.

"Throw this knife at me with an intent to hurt me I wouldn't move an inch from where I stand and you would see no matter what it wouldn't hit me".

(Author note - normally you would think the knives we use for dinner don't have enough power to damage people but remember Sebastian from black butler as he beats people with guns only by throwing at the metal knife and forks people use to eat with).

My father seemed to be hesitating looking at my mother and look back at me.

"Okay here I go" he throws the knives at me with his immense force, the knives fly in immense speed getting closer to me and when it seems it's going to hit me it suddenly changes its trajectory in mid-air and hitting the ground in front of me.

Everyone in the room was shocked because it's Physically impossible for the knives to change direction without any force working on them.

After he throws things at me and orders the maids to do so too but all the things they throw at me miss to hit me.

But continue as nothing were strange while they still try to hit me.

"So as you see when projective aimed at me will miss me making these attack meanless no matter what its from firearms, missiles, guns, fire lance, knife, etc..."

"Does it have some restrictions to this?" My father asks stop to throw at me things.

"Mm, I think it only works on projective means an attack with solid form be it in form of Ax attached to a chain, swords, rifles, spears, and much more."

"I think the form of the attack has to be in inanimate form so attacks in the form of something like a tiger or other animals could reach me".

"Also if the opponent attacks me with a conceptual attack "always hit its target" the special attitudes of our attacks would cancel each other".

"Although I highly doubt there is someone with this kind of attacks about my other blessings---"

"Stop! let us time to process this" my father seat on the chair near where my mother seat looking at each other I can understand their feelings even for little their dear child they wished for a long time.

they love me so much see me as their little angel but seems they gave birth to a monster how complicated their feelings may be now.

But still, I love them I don't want them to that me differently but to continue treating me as their child.

A dive into my worries my parents returned to their senses.

"Okay, we understand but we have a single question father says but mother asks the question"

"Why didn't you told us about all of those blessings before? Did you not trust us ?"

I pour out my complicated feelings and answer them

"No, I have trusted and loved you but with great strength comes great responsibility it is undeniable fact".

"So me telling you about my powers will ruin my childhood". my heart starts to overflowing intel Tears began to flow down my cheeks.

"Most important of all I am merely happy being your son. every day with you is my treasure".

It may be embarrassing for a Mafia top to say that as I may be young age in this world but in my mind, I am over 40 years old.

despite all that having loving parents after losing my parents at a young age in my previous life fills my heart with something it lacked.

Reinhard's mom jumps at me "my child I love you sorry for being so hard on you" my mother hugs me tight crying on my shoulder while I cry on her shoulder father comes and hugs me as too.

for a while, we just hug each other feeling the warmth of the family