His Eyes Never Left You (2)

That evening, Long Huojin drove Xue Guangli to the Rui Institute, a large hospital containing a trauma centre, a rehabilitation centre, psych departments, and other rooms she couldn't remember.

The Hospital stretched with large, towering buildings.

Xue Guangli held Long Huojin's and tightened her grip around his fingers.

They both walked into the building, filled with offices to approach the secretary. Xue Guangli let go of his hand.

"Hello," Xue Guangli greeted.

"How can I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"I am here to meet with Song Ren," she responded.


"Xue Guangli."

The secretary checked something on the computer. "Her shift is over in ten minutes. She will be upstairs if you want to wait for her."

"Mhm," Xue Guangli said.

They both began to walk down the elevator when the secretary said, "Excuse me, sir. You can't go. The meeting scheduled Miss Xue to speak with Song Ren."