When Did It Start? (1)

Xue Guangli and Long Huojin arrived at his house.

Inside, it was dark and quiet, without a trace of anyone being home. Yin Shou must have left.

Long Huojin flicked on the lights, removing his coat, loosening his collar and tie. He walked towards the kitchen as Xue Guangli strolled behind him.

He turned on some light music as he opened the fridge, taking out some ingredients. He turned on the stove and began to fry some vegetables. Xue Guangli was sitting in the kitchen table, dazed.

He took out some meat, washing it, cutting them in pieces, seasoning it and added it to the vegetables. Xue Guangli watched as his slender fingers stirred the food; his back flexed with every move he made.

He was tall, and everything about him was stunning to her.

After preparing more dishes, he set it on the table. Xue Guangli silently began to chow down.