Registration (Chapter 49.5)

Xue Guangli glanced at the registration office. Long Huojin placed his mask underneath his chin and said, "You will be under my household registry," he said, sure of himself.

Xue Guangli faced him, placing down her mask, too, smiling. The wind picked up, billowing her hair like a waving flag. "If I left you right now, would you chase me?" she asked.

Long Huojin's eyes darkened. "Mhm. I can't let you go, not when I have you now," he said.

Xue Guangli's smug smile held. She reached up to kiss him, brushing his lips with a light peck. When she broke the kiss, she stared into his eyes. Xue Guangli used to consider his eyes as ice-cold, deep and unthawed like the arctic, but now it was warm and flowy like the ocean.

"I love you," she said openly, a breath of a whisper.

Long Huojin's eyes widened, but then it narrowed, with his focus on her, full of need and want. "I love you, too," he responded genuinely.