
[LX-1882] - Leaving

Months passed.

And I guess, in these few, short months, I felt more human than I ever was.

I was made an android. There was no doubt about that. I was programmed to be similar to humans, but not quite. The vast spectrum of human emotions and feelings would always be a little out of reach.

But being with Lady Mao changed that.

Because I could see how she expressed those emotions.

No, I wouldn't exactly say that we became "friends"…

Because how could I, of such a low ranking, ever become friends with her?

When she wasn't eating with Lady Kim or Lord Castro, she would call me in for every meal. And gradually I learned to relax a little in her presence, to not be so uptight.

That's how she put it, anyway.

Then one day I thought I found the perfect opportunity to give her the butterfly ornament.

It had been waiting in my pocket for a long time—she was usually busy and distracted, so in the meantime I waited for an opportunity and took good care of it.

Today she was dressed in rather plain clothing, and her face was a little more downcast than usual, like something was weighing on her mind.

"My lady." I took out the ornament, and held it out to her. "I got something for you."

"Oh, Lex…" Her face brightened when she saw it, and she took it, letting it dangle from her fingers. "What is it?"

"It goes in your hair," I said. "Would you like me to clip it on for you?"

She got up, and I followed her. "Yes, thank you."

I had observed for some time just how Lady Mao liked to wear things in her hair, and I had studied the mechanisms on the ornament, so I felt confident that I knew how to put it on. But I hadn't thought about just how close she would be standing to me, and that I would have to touch her hair…

"It's very pretty," Lady Mao said, in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "When did you get it?"

"Some time ago," I replied, trying not to brush her skin. "I thought you might like it."

"I like it a lot," she replied. "Because it's from you."

My system just about shut down. But she said no more, so I finished clipping it on.

"There," I said, taking a step back. My hand touched the wall. "It looks good on you."

She turned around. "You think so?"

"Yes…" But I wasn't looking at her hair anymore.

"I shall treasure it, then. Do you know why?"

"Why?" I was only an android, so I couldn't understand the complex mastery of human thoughts and ways.

She took a step closer. "As I said before, it's from you."

"I'm not anyone special, my lady."

"You are to me," she replied. "If it was from Vano or the Prince, then it's merely an ornament, something that they thought I would like. And I would keep it, because they thought of me. But I, to them, am not what I am to you.

"I'm afraid I don't understand, my lady."

"You don't have to understand."

When she kissed me, I think my system did shut down for a moment.

And I was reminded of the dusty cameras in the corners of the room.

The next day I was called to Prince Evian's chambers.

The prince was having his long hair brushed by an AL-210 unit. He smiled at me as I approached and bowed.

"My prince."

"Hello, LX-1882. I trust you are doing well?"

"I am, Your Highness."

"That is very good."

I waited for him to continue.

"Do you know who usually does my hair, LX-1882?"

"No, my prince."

"Lord Castro does."

Of course, that was to be expected. Lord Castro was the closest to the Prince out of the four advisors, and he could be usually seen next to him, waiting for his command.

"Lord Castro and Lady Mao have left Shuijing City."

Left Shuijing City? But I hadn't even seen her leave… No, she had left her apartment, and Lord Castro had been waiting for her…I had assumed that they would be going to work or something…

"They are not planning on returning."

But…that was punishable by death!


She hadn't even said goodbye.

"So I have a special mission for you, LX-1882. Since you have been so acquainted with them…"


"LX-1882, as the High Prince, I command you, go out and find Vano Castro and Nova Mao, and exterminate them."

My circuits burned, and my program glitched, and I was afraid that I would malfunction. No…

But I could only reply with: "Yes, my prince."

Because I was an android, and androids followed orders.

There would be no need to bring a weapon. I did not want to speak to the others, but as I was leaving, JT-3514 caught me.

"You leaving?"

"Yes," I replied, without turning around.

"Are you coming back?"

"I don't know."

And as I left the little bubble that was Shuijing, facing the outside world, a desolation of desert sand and bloodied sky, I remembered the first time that I had seen Lady Mao.

It had been raining that day. My system was in energy-saving mode, as I sat under the eaves of the android part stall. And in my half-awake status, I looked up and saw two people passing by.

One was Lady Mao. The other was Lord Castro.

They were sharing an umbrella, probably out in town doing some shopping. Lady Mao caught my eye, and stopped, tugging at Lord Castro's sleeve.

"Is that android for sale?" she asked the stall owner.

"Oh, that one? He's a defect, he's going to be terminated soon. I'm just waiting for them to pick him up."

"Defect? What's wrong with him?"

"One of his eyes won't work. And he's very weak and made poorly. Can't do much work at all. Please don't busy yourself with him, miss. He's not worth your time."

"How much?" Lady Mao asked.


"Whatever the terminators are paying you, I'll pay double the price."

"Nova…" Lord Castro took her arm.

"Look, Vano. Just this once, okay? Can't you see him? We'll bring him to Lenin or something. He can have him fixed."

Lord Castro looked me over, then said, somewhat hesitantly, "I guess we could…I'll help you pay."

And that was how I ended up working at the palace.

It was thanks to those two.

The two that I was now ordered to kill.

Night fell, but still I continued on. The Prince had given me a mission…

As an android, I had considerable advantage over the desert terrain than a human. I needed no food or water. Sand did not bother me. I could withstand the temperatures. I did not grow as tired as they would over the same amount of time. I required no oxygen.

I had turned on my tracker, so I had an idea of where they were headed. But at some point I noted footprints, trailing over the dunes.

And just as morning broke, I saw them in the distance.

My arm automatically rearranged into a gun. Lady Mao called Lord Castro's name, and he turned around, and threw out a hand. Instantly the sand before me rose into a wave, obscuring my vision.

I pushed through, and once I saw them again, fired.

The sand rose up, knocking the bullet off course. And I saw where they were heading: something that looked like a birdcage, sticking out of the sand.

I fired again. But once more it was knocked aside by Lord Castro's ability.

No matter. All I had to do was continue forward…

Someone emerged from the cage. A boy with unruly black hair, his pallid skin looking like it hadn't seen the sunlight in years. He saw me, and raised a shotgun.

He fired.

The bullet caught me in the leg. I felt it fracture, but I couldn't afford for it to collapse under me. Not right now. So I dragged it on behind me.

"Go on in!" the boy shouted to Lady Mao and Lord Castro. "I'll hold him off!"

"Don't hurt him!" Lady Mao yelled, but Lord Castro brought her away swiftly.

The boy raised his weapon again. "You androids," he seethed. "I won't allow you to hurt anyone else again—"

"I'm not here to kill you…" Another bullet caught me in my left shoulder. My hand dangled by my side. I couldn't fire the gun anymore…

"Leave him be! He can't do anything right now!" Lady Mao shouted, and after seeing me stand there, swaying, the boy reluctantly went back inside.

And I was left out there, standing in the rising wind.