
[Rinthe] - View of the End

When all the noise had finally stopped, Lenin went up and pried open the trapdoor. He took Kim's hand, and they went up and out.

My chains had fallen off. The androids opened the gate, and YV-7144 gestured for me to go first.

So I climbed up, this time of my own free will.

And when I went through the door, I found myself in another world.

How was this possible?

I was standing in the desert, and there was water everywhere. Gentle waves lapped at my feet.

And above me, the sky was blue.

I was alone.

Save for him.

"Hello, Rinthe."

It was him.

Prince Evian Grace.


Judging by the amount of noise outside of the dungeons, he should be…


Evian smiled. "Have you figured out my lie yet?"

He turned and began walking away. But he paused, and said, "Oh, and when your friend gets here, tell him I was the one who supplied his base."

What was all of this? Another dream?

Yet gradually, dream melted into reality.

Lenin, Kim, and YV-7144 were there. Other androids could be seen, mulling around.

What was left of Shuijing City?

Yes, what was left of the ruined buildings was back there, but here, where I stood, was nothing but sand and water that stretched on for forever…

"The glass of the dome was made specially so that if it broke, it would turn into water, thus to minimize damages," YV-7144 said, letting the waves wash over his robotic fingers.

Lenin held a small charm of a bird in his hand, still looking stunned and struck. "The dungeons…were the safest place…"

Your mission is finished. For [he] is dead.

Hadn't, when I first come…hadn't Evian said…?

"Lock him up until the end of the world."

So is what he meant?

YV-7144 sighed, and looked up at the sky. "I guess it's all well for me to say it…the Prince's ability…he told me it, long ago. His ability is why the sky is blue."

"He told you?" Lenin looked rather hurt. "But…"

"Humans are prone to mistakes," YV-7144 replied. "His ability…with his death, the world shall be restored…"


Tears filled my eyes, blurring everything together, and they fell, joining the water at my feet…

And when I looked up, and saw four figures standing at the foot of the desolation…

"Mr. Akiya?" the boy at the front asked.

And then I understood everything. And I knew what Cana had known.

Evian had brought us all here together.

To rebuild. To bring what little beauty there was left into the dying world.

And he had left, along with everything that had been washed away…