Getting to Know You (1)

I woke up to find myself sitting upright in a wooden desk chair. On the desk in front of me was a notebook and a pen. Except...I didn't remember writing anything.

I didn't remember much of what happened in the past five minutes. I'd been in the room with the muscular man, then I'd been teleported to space, and now I was here. But I knew something was missing. There was a very large gap in my memory.

Besides that gap, I noticed something else that was different. My eyes felt like I was in a video game and looking out into the real world. There was a box the date-21/6/3045-and time-0900-in the top left corner. Under said box were the words 100/100 HP and 20/20 MP. Not knowing what they meant, I moved on. The upper right corner held another box, listing five things:

Name: Powyn Theeves

Age: 16

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

Class: None

Between the boxes was a sphere labeled MAP. There was no way for me to access it, so I moved on once more. In the bottom left corner was this dismembered figure showing what armor and weapons I had equipped. It was empty, of course. In the bottom right corner were two tabs. One had the word STATS and the other had SKILLS.

Somehow, I felt like I've seen this screen before, but I couldn't find anything in my memories of where I'd seen it. It gave me an unsettling feeling of Déjà vu.

I looked down at the notebook. 'Instruction Manual' was scribbled on the cover. I opened it up to the first page.

[A/N: What's in the notebook will be written in parentheses ()]

(Hello, Reincarnated me. You probably have a lot of questions and I've been tasked with answering them as best as I can. First things first, don't be alarmed by the boxes in front of your face. It's just your status screen. You've got the armor/weapon stand and the Stats/Skills tabs in the bottom corners and your Player Status and date information in the top corners. Then there's the Map at the top.)

So it's called a status screen. Well, at least I know what it is.

(You're probably wondering how to use all of this stuff. To use either of the tabs, just say their names and the tab will enlarge, like a tab on a computer when you maximize it. Try it out.)

"Stats," I said. Just like the notebook said, the Stats tab expanded. It listed all of my stats.

»Strength(STR): Level 6/10

•Determines how strong your attacks are

•Attack Damage: 6 (Weak)

»Defense(DEF): Level 5/10

•Determines how much damage is taken away from the total amount

•Attack Defense: 5 (Weak)

»Dexterity(DEX): Level 7/10

•Determines how fast you can dodge

•Dodge Speed: 7 (Slow)

»Constitution(CON): Level 10/10

•Determines how much stamina you have and your HP recovery

•Stamina: Can run without a break for 10 minutes (Wheezer)

•HP Recovery Rate: 10 HP per minute (Low)

»Intelligence: Level 2/10

•Determines your overall intelligence and MP capacity

•Intelligence: 2 (Not all that smart)

•MP Capacity: 20 (Really low)

»Luck: Level 1/10

•Determines how often a Critical Hit can happen

•Critical Hit Chance: 1% (Real Bad Luck)

»Speed(SPE): Level 6/10

•Determines how fast you can run and attack

•Run Speed: 6 miles per hour (Really slow)

•Attack Speed: 1 attack every 10 seconds

»Wisdom(WIS): Level 1/10

•Determines how much common sense you have and how much MP you recover

•Common Sense: 1 (Not all that wise)

•MP Recovery Rate: 1 per minute (Really low)

I frowned. My Stats sucked. I mean, I knew I wasn't the brightest tool in the shed, but 2 Intelligence? I might've dropped out of high school, but I had a C-average! I went back to the notebook to figure out why this was so.

(If your Stats are low, don't worry. As you level up, you'll get Stat points. Since I'm a generous person, I decided to leave a few gifts for you in your inventory. As you have an upgraded System, you have two inventories, the Weapon Inventory, and the Main Inventory. Say 'Main Inventory' and you'll see a grid pop up on your screen. There are 100 boxes you can fill with anything you'd like.)

I requested the Main Inventory and it popped up in front of my screen. I immediately saw the four gifts inside.

I smiled. Gifts? Now, this guy was talking my language. I selected the first box.

Briiing! [Would the Player like to open the gift sent by the Original Player Powyn Theeves?]