
Everyone would think if I can control time, freeze time, leap through time and all other fascinating abilities then the first thing the person would think is to be a hero and change the world, you're wrong at this most of us would use this to fulfill the personal desires. I was from the most of people until my life took a drastic change.

I used my powers to all selfish deeds as possible, no not that far, usually just the actions to save my butt and helping myself out sometimes. So the story starts as

I was a usually living boy recently started my college studies and was on my way to the college. I woke up late at Morning and don't want to degrade my first impression at the first day of my college, so as naturally when I was crossing the road to reach to college, was in a great rush and didn't notice that the road is used by heavy and powerful vehicle with less braking capacities. And suddenly a horn blows near my ear and a huge truck was very close to me. That moment I was thinking that everything is over and I couldn't see my college at my first day an stretched my arms towards the high speed truck. When the truck was nearly a inch closer to me, it abruptly stopped. I was still scared and thanking god for saving me, what I noticed at scene was that the driver doesn't seem to be in a normal state, he seems to be frozen in time. People were thinking that the driver stopped the bus but they didn't notice what I did.

I was in even more panic and thinking "what the hell just happened". And I started to recall everything what I did during the collision that didn't happen. I stretched my hands again and repeated the action, the same as during incident.

Nothing happened. Then I remembered something more important, that i had to attend college. And rushed to the college. I was saved by the skin of my teeth, and hopefully wasn't late for first day. Then

Again when I didn't forget the truck incident and was in the playground playing Dodge ball, something happened again. When I was unable to Dodge a high speed ball, I was panicked, again stretched my arms forward and suddenly ball stopped in mid air along with all the students froze at their positions, almost everything and everyone in the school stopped moving. I was startled and again thinking about the way to reverse it. Failed to find a way,i waited for sometime and when I was at normal state and wasn't panicking then suddenly everything starts to move again. I concluded that I can stop the time for people in certain range. The only problem was I have to concentrate very sharply or I'll end up freezing wrong people. Days passed and I practiced it a lot and then applied in my genral purposes. As I stated earlier I used this ability to save myself and for my profits only. Then one day when I was at the bus stop a familiar girl appeared there, but I couldn't remember where I could've seen her. She came and set near me, after a close look at her I remembered that she was my classmate but I didn't recall he name then. Her face wasn't towards me and She said,"I know what you can do and what you're hiding from this world. So do not try to resist and come with me, we have somewhere important to go." I was amazed that how did I get caught and, she really know or just bluffing it.

I said,"What are you talking about,‌ I am not hiding anything from anyone. You must've misunderstood me for someone else. And I am not coming with you." she quickly turned her face towards me,

She expressed her anger and replied, "How annoying, why do I have to deal with you, can't they have someone else for this work. Listen, stop the I don't know what are you talking about act. I know that you can freeze time for anyone and for as much as you want. So please don't waste your energy in debating and just come with me."

I was panicked and said with shivering voice, "What!!!, I can't do anything like that, are you crazy?, You can't be serious right." Then suddenly see show me a recording from a laptop. I was clearly seen in video that I've freezed everyone and everything. I thought, Crap!! If this video gets out who knows what will happen to me. The first thought that came into my mind was to freeze her in time and snatch the laptop away but the problem was there were so many people at the stop and if I miss a single person then cover will be blown away quickly, so I negotiated for the time being.

I said, "Fine I'll come with you, but in exchange you must not let the video out in any circumstances".

I was planning to snatch the laptop when I get the chance and leave her freezed in time. When I tried to do something she suddenly gets into the rush and then again I can't freeze her, every time I tried to freeze her she somehow notices it even before I was thinking to do it.

This was pretty confusing. Finally I decided to use brute force and planned to knock her out and get the laptop, what else can I be doing then, I did not even know her, she might be the bad guy here, since she knows about my ability. Then I swing my hand with my all might and launched an attack, she surprisingly dodged it like she knew that I am going to hit her. I had a slightest Idea that she could see the future. After that I attempted many failed attempts to knock her out. I ended up reaching the place where she wanted me to be. She blocked my view during some secret passcode exchange. Finally we were at a secret and hi-tech base of her.

She said, "Welcome to the headquarters of the TIME".