
I was at some hi-tech head quarters of hers, I had, like tons of questions but I said, "Headquarters of What now?".

She responded, "Time is a secret organisation that was built as a countermeasure to the time distortion that are affecting all human lives on the planet. Time stands for 'Time Intervention Moderation Enforcers'."

I was startled by this explanation. I want to ask what was the meaning of that cool seeming full form of that organisation's name TIME, but it will reflect my stupidity so I dropped it right there. Then I said, "Explanation for everything, then I'll ask my doubts."

She replied, "You are here because we the members of TIME restrict all the unauthorised activities that affects this reality and time and cause a great change in timeline. You see we are short handed now, we need all help we can to defeat the counter organisation that is the reason for the time distortion. If you remember correctly the recent news news of the very least luckily averted death of countless people of this city."

I was surprised that that event was somehow related to this organisation, because some time ago a smallest fregment of a astroid started falling on this city and luckily another astroil collided with it and two massive tragedies were avoided. I answered in a serious expression, "yeah I know about that, we all were saved by the skin of our teeth. So what about that incident?". She replied in even more intense look, "you see then the distortion happened and second city which was the target got hit by the astroid, that was way too small that only that city was destroyed. And that was the time distortion we dealt with and saved the second city." After that Explanation I was like, wait what, that didn't happen, stop joking around. And asked with that serious expression on my face(because they didn't seem to be joking around),"So you're telling me that the time distortion thing caused the tragedy on the neighbouring city didn't happen in the first place, and you all cleared that distortion and made situation as it was before the distortion, So what happened exactly in the distorted timeline .". She answered,"the star still hit the fregment of astroid, basically both were fregments but the start was bigger than the another one. So the bigger fregments didn't perished in atmosphere due to the distortion in time and it destroyed the smaller fregment but hits the neighbouring city eventually". The situation wasn't completely understood by me but I concluded that they saved the day in the end. I replied, "So you're some kind of super heroes who perished that star or fregment or whatever and saved neighborhood city, huh but what caused this distortion anyway or who caused it". She rubs her hand on her head and mutters,"it's such a bother, I have to explain everything to him now."

I heard everything very clearly, it seems like she's also not able to handle people too. But what can I do in that case she was the one who brought this on herself.

After some thought she replied,"one shot explanation of everything, rest will be uncovered when you will work with us, the distortion is caused by opposite fraction who wants to destroy the world and rule over the new one. As the members of TIME it is our responsibility to counter them and retain peace under the rules of the Timers.

I started to getting everything then I remembered what she said "work with us", why should I work with some strangers, okay not completely strangers but still. I replied to her after a long though, "Is there a reason for me to be working with you, I don't want to risk my life for anyone, so if you please excuse me. And good luck with the super hero stuff of yours." As I was about to leaving the room. The room darkened and a screen projector switched on, and a video started to playing on the screen. I got a creepy feeling in my guts as I turned around to see what's the video about. Then I was assured that the video is obviously mine and that girl was sitting there with a certain expression on her face and said, "So how about leaving now Mr Noah Xavier, you leave this room and I would spread this video all over the internet, I think I don't have the explain further what will be happening next." I grinned at her but can't do anything else about this. On second thought by joining their club it doesn't mean I must have to risk my life, so agreed. After that what heard was, " Mr. Xavier you're now an official member of the TIME, you have a great responsibility to eliminate the time distortion at any cost". These line gave me creeps and a solid feeling that this is not gonna end well. Her parting words were,"See you soon Mr. Xavier".