Chapter 22: The Attempt

Kathleen Remes' POV

We have landed in Hungary a few hours ago and now we were escorted to the palace in Budapest. I have never set my eyes inside this country as it was so livid and charming in its way. I smiled as I saw some pedestrians were waving at us.

"do you think they know who we are?" I asked Kai as he was reading some books. He never goes anywhere without it, well except when we make love.

"I don't know darling, I'm just got married into this royalty thing," he said as he was teasing me. I smacked his arm playfully before looking out the palace. It was grand and nice and extravagant. I cannot believe will be staying there for 3 days.

"after you madame," the valet said in English with an accent. I thanked Kai as he got out first and he took my hand, helping me getting out of the car. I looked around and it was nice autumn weather.

"it's not so chilly, right?" I asked Kai as I looked at him. He just smirked at me before putting his hand on my lower back.

"Come on, we need to greet the King and Queen," he said as he wrapped his arm around my hand as we walked inside the palace.

stunning was not only the word that I would use for it. It has a nice touch here and there and I wonder if they have been living here forever.

"Welcome," a booming voice echoed inside the hall. I looked ahead and I saw the old couple who were standing in the center of the hall.

"good afternoon, your majesty. King Aaron send his regards for not coming to your ball," Kai said as he bowed and I curtsied to them. The King just laughed at us before his queen joined as well.

"Ah, little devil Aaron, always making excuse to get out of my ball. Come, let us show you around," he said as he went to show us around. The castle was grand but we were only allowed to go into the public area only and also our quarter was as massive as the garden back in the Royal Castle.

"I have sent your luggage inside your quarter. I have you have a wonderful experience here and dinner will be served at 7 PM sharp. Don't be late," he said as he stopped in front of the door. His queen was smiling at me.

"and don't worry, we will make sure that you have an escort to the dining hall. Please freshen up before dinner," and with that, they departed as we went inside the room.

the first time I stepped inside the room, it was filled with gold and silver. The color of the royalty, no doubt, but I was so fascinated that in my own home, I was never a luxurious person. I walked toward the balcony and I looked down on the city of Budapest.

"do you like it?" Kai asked me as he was kissing my neck. I angled it so he can kiss more of my skin.

"it's perfect, more than what I could ask for," I said as I turned to look at him. His sea-green eyes were hooded as it was burning with desire.

"Kathleen, I—" his talk was interrupted as there was a knock on the door.

"hold that thought," I said as I went to open the door. It was a maid that will be escorting us for dinner.

"Your Grace, I will be escorting you to the dining hall if you are ready," she said as she was looking at the ground. I looked at Kai before I turned to her.

"yes, we are," I said as I know Kai would likely punish me afterward but nothing that I could not handle.

"this way please," she said before Kai went to my side and took my arm into his.

"you will pay for this tonight," he whispered huskily. I giggled before getting into his ear as well.

"I would welcome it with open legs," I teased him as he growled at my answer. We went down some stairs and did turns that I don't even know where we were anymore. It was an extravagant castle after all.

"in here, your grace," she said as the guards opened the door to us. We walked inside the room as there were many people inside the hall.

"Ah, they are here," the King said loudly that made people stopped what they were doing and eyeing us instead. My grip on Kai was tightening as I never knew that I need to act like a Queen as if right now.

"Keep your head up. You are the Queen of Finland after all," Kai whispered. I smiled as I looked at the people before me.

"Like my father said, Acting Queen," I said as I tried to make it as quiet as possible as we passed through the crowd. Kai chuckled at my words before we bowed in front of the King and Queen.

"Greetings, your majesty," I said as I curtsied and Kai bowed at them.

Please, just call me Peter and my wife, Sandra. We practically family now," he said as I looked at him, confused.

"Your father was my best friend when we were young and still are. so, it's made me, umm,"

"your uncle, my dear," the queen finished his sentence.

"yes, in a sense," he said. I smiled at him as I nodded.

"well, thank you for that privilege, then Uncle Peter," I said as I looked at him. He was beaming happily.

"Now, don't just stand there. Let's have some dinner," he said as he was looking at me. I took a seat next to him on the right and Kai to my right.

"so, what do you want to talk about, uncle?" I asked as I wanted to sound familiar with the term 'Uncle' to the King of Hungary. That would probably be asking for war. He laughed at the endearment.

"well, actually I was hoping that you would tell my daughter, Grand Duchess Christine Rovski that I wished for her to visit you after the ball. Is that okay with you?" He asked me. I just smiled at her as I don't know that he had a daughter. I must miss it in the file that they gave me to read.

"well, that would be delightful," I said as I took a sip of my champagne. It leaves a tangy feeling in my stomach but I just ignored it.

we have the rest of our dinner as Uncle Peter shared some of his crazy days with my father.

"and then, he would go out for a swim and he did not care if it was cold or hot. He just did, your father. What a ball of a man," he said before suddenly the lights went out.

"what the—" I said before I heard a scream near me. I don't know what to do but just to hide underneath the table. Kai has dragged me under it with him.

"What's happening?" I asked him as he was looking around. My eyes had adjusted to the dark after intensive time that I spent in the prison to get something from the kitchen. What can I say, a girl got to do when they hungry.

"I fear what your father said was true," he whispered to me.

"what is it?" I asked him.

"assassination," his grim tone matched his fierce eyes. I never have seen him like this before.

Kai Virtanen's POV

The letter from the king has been right after all. There will be an assassination for the throne, and by that I mean, I don't know if it was for Finnish royalty or Hungarian royalty. All I know was that I have to protect Kathleen at all costs.

"You have been entrusted by me and my queen that you will one day provide comfort and warmth to the future queen," King Aaron said as he looked at me when I was only a mere eighteen years old at the time.

"Your highness?" I asked him. I was about to leave for college but my grandfather insisted that the King has personally asked me before his throne and who was I to decline that? I was not a mad man.

"The skills of your years in the street will help protect Kathleen, your betrothed," he said as he looked at me. I don't dare to look but I know that he was speaking to me.

"do you accept your duty? To be her husband and protector?" He asked me. I was not sure at the time but the thought that I have more power than my grandfather was indeed a factor that made me accepted the proposal.

"I do," I said as I looked at him.

"good," he said smugly before dismissed me for college as he paid for all of the tuitions. I was in debt to him. And my only duty was to protect Kathleen at all costs.