Chapter 27: The Veracity

Kathleen Remes' POV


I was playing with Katherine as it was her turn to go hide and seek. She has to count until 50 because that's what we agreed on. Now, I went to hide at the usual spot that she had trouble to find it. I always love it there, not because it is the library, my favorite sanctuary, but because my father would come in here sometimes.

I was hiding behind one of the bookshelves that hold our ancestry and history of the kingdom. It was an enormous collection of books, journals, and encyclopedia that scholars loved to explore for their history thesis.

I was trying to surpass my giggles as I heard someone was coming into the library and getting closer to the bookshelves. I thought it was my sister that finally knows my hiding spot.

when I dug underneath the bookshelves, I found familiar footings that were brushing against each other. Some grunting, panting and moaning could be heard to my 15 years old ears. My heartbeat quickened. I know make-out session and I hoped that I would get to the clearing before I disturbed them.

when I moved toward the other bookshelves, I pushed a book that dropped to the floor. I instantly looked up to see 2 pairs of eyes were set on me. I was looking at them, they were about to do it and they were panting. I scurried away before he could call after. It was the only person that I would die for but he betrayed me. It was Chris Virtanen and my sister that were going down on each other throat.

I was running for my life until I stumbled across the garden. It was midnight that I had gone into the garden and I saw something moved in a distant. I tried not to look but their suspicious behavior had made my curiosity get the best of me.

I scooped to see in the shadows that there were men that were talking hushed with each other. I don't know what they were saying as they were talking in a foreign language that I don't yet understand.

I was trying to get closer and closer to the edge of the conversation of that man before something came from behind. A grunt before I was being blinded by a sack over my head. I tried to scream but everything died from my throat.

I was writhing in my hold against the men that were holding me. They shouted something in Russian.

"bring me the syringe. This punk was not saying still," he said as he was trying to get out my hand so that he dosed me. I think not. I went to calm myself before I used my other senses to get my bearing and what was my situation looked like, just like my father had told me.

I went to inhale before I saw everything inside the sack. I did not cry but I went to kick some rounds and flipped on top of the body and before I know it, I was escaping and I pulled the sack off my head. I looked back and saw some men were after me.

I was running toward the garden when the heavy footsteps were closed to me. I gritted my teeth as I was trying to find someplace to hide. then, I saw him as he was standing outside the garden. His open arms were inviting me to stay as I ran after him.

"uncle Fenn," I shouted as I went to look at the men that were pursuing me. He did not hear me as I was running and kept on running toward him. Suddenly, I was in his arms. He was taken back by my presence but then something changed in his face. He was smiling darkly as he held my hands behind my back.

"you can even handle a 15 years old punk? What did I pay you for?" He spoke Russian. All of the men bowed to him.

"we're sorry, your highness. It would not happen again," one of the men said.

"damn right, it won't because I will make sure of it," Fenn said with bitterness that left me wanted to get out of here.

he dragged me inside the palace and went to slam me on the floor as my father and mother were talking to their advisor.

"Fenn, what is the meaning of this?" My father asked as my mother helped me to my feet. Fenn just laughed at me as he pointed me and lied to my parents.

"This punk has been running through my stuff and I caught her stealing something. Good thing she was my niece or I would have her hanged by now," he said. My father's face was unreadable before he looked at me.

"Room, now," he ordered.

"but father—"

"now, Kathleen Aurora Remes," he ordered me and when I looked back into that my father and his brother were shouting at each other. I closed my eyes as I don't want to see that they were fighting. They're brothers. They were not supposed to fight until I saw my sister outside my room.

"you know, Chris told me that you were not his first choice," I tried to flinch on that statement. She smiled wider.

"he has chosen me and I will tell our father that," she said before she went away. As I was remembering the scene of my father and his brother, I wished that I will not do that to my sister but it was all in vain.

The morning came and the news has been passing the picture of my father fought his brother, the former King. The headline was varied, from the second born trying to past the firstborn to the acclamation that my father was furious with his brother for letting go of the throne to him. They said he was furious.

but I know my father that he would never back down from responsibility as well as such trivia to keep him from being the king that he wanted to be. but, after that accident that has been a shocked the country as there was a picture of me stating that the cause was me, I do now know that it was not true at all but merely a play word against the royals.

Hence, come the judgment and trial for me.


"So, yeah, that's my whole story," I said as I was waiting for Kai to say something. He was silent the whole story as he was being polite not to ask any question but I think I don't tell him the way that I wanted it to be.

he just eyed me as he did not believe it. Yup, definitely that one.

"you were 15 when you were taken away?" Was the only thing that he asked me. I laughed at his question but his face was serious before I cleared my throat. I nodded.

"that fucking old man, when I find him, I will—" I did not let him finish it because I just need his support. I have gone through worst but right now, I just wanted to feel his lips on mine.

he did not complain when I kissed him. He kissed me back with so much anger, frustration, regret. After what has been a minute or two, we broke the kiss as I leaned my forehead against him.

"it's fine, Kai. I am here now and I was yours forever and always," I whispered to him as I looked into his sea-green eyes. He smirked at me.

"Forever and always, I liked that very much," he said as he kissed me again and this time I smiled in that kiss.

We were waiting outside the room as I was looking for any sign that my father was still alive. I cannot let him die as well for my mistake of the past. I have to fix it and I have to do it now.

"where's Katherine?" I asked one of the servants that passed in front of me.

"The Crown Princess has retired for the evening, your highness," he said as he was bowing to me. He did not move in his spot. I thanked before he went on his merry way.

"so, what was your plan?" Kai asked me as I looked at him.

"I don't have one," I replied. He took my hands before kissing him.

"Well, lucky for you, your husband has so many connections," he said before he pulled out a phone and called on speed dial. then, he talked into a foreign language. Something sounded familiar. After he finished the call, I looked at him, arching my eyebrow.

"you'll see," was the only answer he gave me.

"did I know this person?" I asked him.

"very much," he said as he smiled before he dragged me toward the entrance to the castle. If he was willing to call on the phone, then he must be serious to solve this problem as quickly as he can.