Chapter 28: The Surprise

Kathleen Remes' POV

I have been waiting for this time to come. It was time to face my past with my head held high. I did not who or what Kai has instructed in the phone call the other day but right now, we were waiting for my Uncle Fenn that I have been despised as long as I can remember. Well to be exact, it was 5 years now.

"Are you nervous?" Kai asked me as he took my hands in his. I smiled at him before he was kissing them. I smiled at him before I looked at him.

"no, just anxious to see the face that put me away for so long before I hold you in my arms," I whispered at him as I grazed his knuckles. He smirked at me.

"well, I guess the wait was worth it," he said as he was about to kiss me before someone burst through the door.

"Well, hello, Motherfuckers!" A voice came into my eardrum and when I saw who was it, I abruptly stood up from my seat, sending Kai backward in his seat.

"Tony?" I asked him as I looked at him before he just shrugged.

"Ciao, Bella. You look gorgeous today," he said as he looked at me up and down. I felt conscious as Kai was staring darkly at him.

"Tony, watch where you stare at her," Kai said as he went to put his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. Tony laughed before put up with his hands in surrender.

"Okay, fine, let's just get onto it," he said. I looked at Kai as I arched my eyebrow at him.

"what to get on to?" I asked him before he just smirked at me.

"you'll see," was the only reply he gave me before we went into the wardrobe.



"yes, but it makes her eyes a little dull, don't you think?"



It has been like an eternity when Tony was trying to dress me up for the event that will be happening tonight. I was not surprised when Tony would go through all of my wardrobes to find the one.

"how about this one?" He asked Kai before he shook his head.

"too much exposure on the skin and I hate it when people were looking at my wife," he said darkly before Tony put the dress back and said something in foreign language again. Kai scowled at him.

"Okay, can we just have a time out please?" I asked them as I held out my hands. I was standing for almost hours as I was trying another and another dress that I don't think I would see on anyone but me.

"well, can anyone bloody explain what was happening right now?" I asked them as I looked at Tony and Kai. They just shrugged before I narrowed my eyes at Kai.

"Well, I would love to but—"

"but? You're keeping secret from me now?" I asked him.

"No, my love, I was just—"

"Okay, I guess that's my cue to leave the room," Tony said as he went out of the room. I was putting my hands on my hips as I looked at Kai.

"well, bloody explain, husband," I said as I looked at him. He smiled before he stood and I was crossing my arms at him.

"well, you see, my father once told me that whenever there will be an emergency on the royalty of Finland, we have to execute plan F," he said. I arched my eyebrow.

"What is Plan F?"

"Finish the job," he said as he was looking at me. I arched my eyebrow again. He sighed.

"It means that I will do whatever it was necessary to take out the enemy even using my wife who was an acting Queen, nonetheless," he said as he was rubbing his neck.

"so, my father instructed you to do this?" I asked him. I just wanted to know that he would not do that for me, on his own accord. He looked at me before he sighed as he nodded his head. I scoffed at him.

"what can I do, he was the King and I was his mere subject," he said as he looked at me. I went to stand in front of him as I snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"well, Mr. Virtanen, I think you have a lot of things to be done before you can convince me to play the part," I whispered at him. He arched his eyebrow.

"you're not mad?" he asked me before I smirked at him.

"oh, I was beyond mad but why would waste all that energy into outburst but rather have something much satisfied with you," I said before I pulled him to kiss me and every hell break loose.

he scooped me up and went to the bedroom and you know what happened when we hit the sack. It will be long hours before Tony can fix me again.

After that conversation with our bodies, Tony has chosen the dress that would speak my emotion indeed. It was a bloody red satin dress as it has lacy sleeves and the skirt was not puffy but rather elegant for me to walk in.

"do not rip the dress," he warned me.

"why you say that?" I asked him, amused by his warning.

"I know you, princess, as Kai has mentioned that back in Hungary, you literally—"

"Okay, enough. No ripping the dress or what so ever," I said as I surrendered to his command. He smiled before he turned me around as he showed me in front of the mirror as he was just done with my makeup. I gasped as I looked at myself that I never think that I would be like this.

the eyeshadow was to accentuate my maroon eyes and when I wished that I have my mother's hair right now, I was stuck with my sister's and father's. I sighed. It has been a long time since I wore my true natural hair.

"do you not like it?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"no, it's just, It's too beautiful to ignore me now. Kai would be furious," I said as I felt tear was coming.

"ah, ah, ah, I have spent some time on this. Do not ruin it now," he said as I shook my tears away.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry then," I said before I got out of the chair and I went to the to get out of the wardrobe. As I went out of the room, Kai was backing me as he was doing his cuff links. He was wearing a black Armani suit that fitted gorgeously to his sin body. My mouth waters at the thought before I cleared my throat to him. He turned at me before he went toward me.

"can you help me please?" He asked me as he put his cuff links to me and he wanted me to get it for him. I went to do as I was doing it with my eyes closed. I was looking at his face at all times.

"done," I said as he stared at me. He smirked at me before he pulled the necktie that he just did it himself.

"would you be so kind as to help me with this then?" He asked me. I smirked at him.

"I can think a few things that can be done with this," I said as I put it around his neck. He was looking at me as I was tying his necktie up. He smiled at me.

"you know, without all the scandals and expectations from the King, I think you would make a fine wife, wife," he said at me. I looked into his sea-green eyes before pulling his necktie closer.

"well, you would make a fine husband as well," I whispered to him before Tony was bursting through the door. I jumped back a few steps before I turned to look at a scowling Tony.

"do not ruin your makeup," he said before he waved us to go through the conference room.

"it's time," he said as he nodded at me. I took Kai in my arms and exhaled my breath.

"let's get this over with," I said as we walked through the door. Kai was holding on tight on my hands as I was gripping him. When we walked through it, the flashes from the cameras of paparazzi were blinding as we walked toward the table. Kai pulled out my chairs as I went to look around the room and guards were securing us as Kai unbuttoned his suit and sat beside me.

"good evening, ladies and gentlemen," I said as I looked around the room. People have stopped flashing some of the cameras as they went to their seats.

"I am delighted to be here today as I wanted to announce something on behalf of my father. May he recover soon," I said as I was trying to make sure that everyone was listening to me.

"I took a deep breath as I was trying to make sure that everyone has my attention.

"My father has appointed me as the Acting Queen and I was here to confirm the rumors," I said before other flashes were coming into the view of my eyes.